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Stub Mandrel

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Everything posted by Stub Mandrel

  1. Went to Rosliston last night and did >gasp< visual astronomy. Must admit I came very close to putting the camera on the scope...
  2. Pushing it without guiding. I can do 120s without guiding on an EQ3 but loose a percentage of subs. And EQ5 will be better, but I don't know if 300s will give you a decent percentage of stackable subs.
  3. My estimate was 45mm but I wasn't going to place a rule across my secondary...
  4. Not much, I'll go and measure for you... I estimate about 10-12%
  5. Poster of a dark sky = just a big black square.
  6. You aren't lifting the curve near enough to the left hand side.
  7. I don't think this is specific to the SW CC, they all mean you have to wind the tube in further because of the way they work. I took a slice off my draw tube.
  8. It is a good start, but you now need to finish it! You need gradient removal, reduce the green traces of light pollution, and then to set the black point and play with curves. You have better basic data than I have ever got for M101 so I think the end product can be even better. I hope you don't mind, here's a quick and dirty stir of your data:
  9. I would plug the numbers into Stellarium's ocular plugin (free). You can then cruise the night sky choosing appropriate targets.
  10. Sneaky repost of my M32, taken on an EQ3 witha £25 Tokina lens off eBay, stars not as tight as yours Graham! No darks, by the way, the joy of a cooled DSLR :-)
  11. This saturday looks so bad I had assumed you meant saturday 23 anyway! DOH!
  12. Lots of nice nebulosity. That is very fine grained noise, a quick experiment here suggest you can make a big improvement even with the most basic of noise reduction.
  13. I made my own goto box, which now uses ST4 guiding. I thought i finally had it dialed then went to a dark sky site and had bad results... eventually tracked to teh gudiescope misting up - no dewshield DOH!
  14. Whooo.. going to be playing with the big boys soon!
  15. Nige, now you have tracking sorted, why not save up and try a Ha filter for moonlit nights? That's the route I'm probably going to follow, returning to Ha-rich targets to on moonlight nights.
  16. When the sun is low, you get a green-blue belt above the horizon, presumably the moon makes the same effect but much fainter, and perhaps that's what you picked up?
  17. I followed this guide for astro modification: http://dslrmodifications.com/rebelmod450d1.html and added a cold finger from the template here: http://www.iceinspace.com.au/forum/showthread.php?t=132498
  18. TH 200P-DS is, like the 130P-DS optimised for astrophotography compared to the standard 200P, it's not just the better dual speed focuser, but they also have different length tubes. It has less FOV, but that just changes which targets it's best for. EQ6 is good with a big scope like a 200P-DS, even I wouldn't use one on an EQ3 ;-)
  19. Are they not the same sensor and processor anyway? I solved this issue on my 450D by cooling it, but that may be a bit drastic for some. Now all I need is some clear sky...
  20. Astronomers are like farmers - whatever the weather is, it's wrong!
  21. Very nice busy disc, I wish I could see it from here!
  22. Remind me not to drink out of your crockrey Nige...
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