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Stub Mandrel

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Everything posted by Stub Mandrel

  1. Hmm. Double ended 1/4 whitworth camera adaptor Set of four 50mm castors, two locking. 16A hookup connector. 🙂
  2. That's interesting. I have one of these, it's... passable but more like 0.8X than the advertised 0.4X
  3. In which case you deserve extra congratulations! Keep your unprocessed data as with time and new skills you will want to go back to it.
  4. It's nice detail, but it looks like you may have clipped the highlights so the stars look a bit 'flat'. Have you tried making a separate 'star' layer and then mixing it back in?
  5. Those power connectors are so badly designed, music effects pedals use them, I have a 'daisy chain' lead with multiple conectors, some are unused, which I have wrapped in insulation tape to prevent them shorting by accident.
  6. Those are little airy discs. Focus is not good...
  7. Oh well. Add Crater Vikram to the maps... 😞
  8. 3DP is becoming mainstream. To be honest, it's frustrating waiting for the day when I can pick up a kilo or two of PLA at the supermarket.
  9. They would need one of these if they did! I can't see Ed cracking and fractionating oil then polymerising it on site. Plastic feedstock comes from people like BASF and DOW, usually as granules or pellets for further processing:
  10. They must get the basic plastic pellets & dies from the same sources as everyone else though?
  11. I've always been bit sceptical to be honest. None of the filament brands 'make' their own feedstock, even if they extrude their own filament (which I doubt) .
  12. Did you get the email today from Rigid Ink saying they are no longer going to sell filament?
  13. Great! If you're in southern Derbyshire, you could come along to one of our RAG meetings - lots of friendly help and advice (and fig rolls). http://www.roslistonastronomy.org.uk/
  14. I don't know to be honest. I got both the 130P-DS and 150PL to image on the EQ3, with basic guiding the 150 should be OK, I think the main advantage/difference with the DS models is the focuser.
  15. Here's a circuit for one: Flick the switch, and if it's cloudy the bulb will light up...
  16. Dear Nice Mr Paul, I am very poor, but I needs an ASI1600MM Pro Cooled. And a C14. And an EQ8 would be nice. Thank you 😵
  17. M31 -the galaxy that just keeps giving.
  18. Looks good, maybe a touch green on my monitor? Hope you don't object, I hit a grab of your image with HLVG (Hasta La Vista Green plugin) in Photoshop:
  19. Be honest Gina, possession of a full set of Astrodon 3nm filters puts you on a par with the landed gentry...
  20. Rob... you really get all your amazing pictures with the ASI178MM cool?
  21. True. Lets do a 'vlaiv' style calculation... The difference is 3 magnitudes = 2.514^3 = ~16 times brighter Area of M57 ~ 7.2, let's call it 7 to allow for the hole! Area of M13 = 3 x 10^2 = 300 Ratio of areas 300/7 = 42 Ratio of brightness per unit area 42/16 = 2.6 = 1 magnitude So in practice on a 'magnitude per unit surface area' basis M57 is one magnitude brighter. I'd guess that means you have fairly narrow range of sky brightnesses where you can see one and not the other, so worth trying again on good clear nights. Aslo, try low magnification! M13 is visible naked eye but M57 is not because they both effectively become point sources.
  22. Crikey, I can see the 'keystone' fine here and have never had trouble seeing M13 through a scope. It is just a small fuzzy ball at low mags. Lower number is brighter - but that makes M13 MUCH brighter than M57 - it is one of the easiest DSOs. BUT it is about 2 magnitudes fainter than the stars in hercules and slightly diffuse.
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