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Status Updates posted by SacRiker

  1. Back into astronomy again...and greeted by what looks to be 5 days of clouds and rain!

    1. emadmoussa


      You think that's bad? Try living in the UK...

      I only had two clear nights last month and only one this month - so far. 

    2. SacRiker


      That's rough. Sorry to hear that! 

  2. Can't believe NMS might be delayed...

    1. Alien 13

      Alien 13

      It will be longer for me I want the PC version..

    2. SacRiker


      Could be a long wait for both of us. Something clearly has gone very wrong.

  3. Anxious to get home and setup for some Messier hunting (M3 up next)...

    1. cloudsweeper


      Got M3 again a few days ago - lovely!  A "hood" (old black T-shirt) helped, also accustomisation (is that a word? - it should be)  to the view, and averted vision for best effect.

      While you're in the region, try M13 and M92.


  4. Had the flu for a week...recovery process is tough.

  5. Completely swamped...how many more years?

  6. Please...need...weekend...

    1. ghostdance


      Know what you mean.

      Need......gin & tonic....

      (I'm easily pleased)

    2. SacRiker


      Well, weekend came and went. Now....neeed...weekend!

  7. Selecting eyepieces....argh!

  8. Wish I could move out to the country...

  9. One step closer to the 8SE...

  10. Work is killing me today...

  11. Nothing like heavy squats to make me want to spend the rest of the night looking at the stars.

  12. Capella!

    1. ronin


      Alpha Auriga, close double, twinkly.

  13. Still buzzing from Spurs over Arsenal.

  14. Just woke up at 445am to watch Spurs!

  15. Looking for a good space movie...

    1. hobsey


      Space Balls.

    2. ronin


      Still think that Forbidden Planet is one of the best. Also amazed that Leslie Neilson was the commander.

    3. Helite


      Europa report was a great movie IMO.

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