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Space Cowboy

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Everything posted by Space Cowboy

  1. Never get tired of seeing transit shadows! Lovely collection Neil.
  2. Thanks Pete yes the next time I remembered 😉
  3. I didnt realize it was possible to capture videos of that length with manual tracking, quite remarkable what you are doing!
  4. Brilliant work with the manual Dob! You must have the touch of a brain surgeon to keep Jupiter in view! I assume you are simply nudging the OTA by hand? Have you tried winjupos? Would certainly help with the noise level if you havent tried it. How many frames are you managing to capture in each run?
  5. Another image with a slightly different combination of stacks in winjupos.
  6. Thanks Craig I was constantly tweaking focus and all the Avis look very similar. Using the hair dryer wasn't ideal and with hindsight I should have put the scope out an hour later as it was swamped with dew before I could start imaging. Could be a combination of seeing and thermal activity.
  7. Thanks Neil. I upped the colour vibrance at the last minute after looking at my old images. Still feel the wavelets were a bit strong but the seeing wasn't good enough for a more subtle process. Considering I had to give the primary the Alex Ferguson treatment after it dewed over and nearly packed up when cloud rolled in for an hour I can't complain too much about the result. 😉
  8. Despite cloud, heavy dew and AWOL tracking i managed to get some better data. Seeing was consistent for about 45 mins though not as good as it can be (from what I remember) trans wasnt great so AVIs were quite noisy. Still working on the processing not 100% happy. 21.42ut Auto Dob 250 + 3x TV +Extension tube & ASI 224 = F19
  9. Still a nice image Neil. I might try 2 chairs next time 😉
  10. Nice shots! Looks like you got Jupiter exactly the same time as me. What time were your Saturn images?
  11. First planetary image for 2 years and guess who forgot to collimate! Checked at the end of the night and it was way off! Anyhow its a start.
  12. Certainly can't ignore the ease of use factor. 👍
  13. Very nice natural images Neil. How are you finding the comparison between the 2 scopes?
  14. Very nice image Geoff. Any kind of weather forecast is only a guide at the end of the day 🙂
  15. Wouldn't the world be a more boring place if everyone's Jupiter images were the same colour 😊
  16. Lovely image Neil. Never get tired of seeing the GRS in full bloom.
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