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Space Cowboy

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Everything posted by Space Cowboy

  1. I recently purchased a Stellalyra right angle findersope. The crosshairs are oriented as X not + . Usually you can simply turn the eyepiece (unscrew) to change the orientation but this finder eyepiece is stuck fast. I've asked the retailer but they say they've never tried unscrewing one and don't recommend trying it. Has anyone unscrewed the Stellalyra RA findersope eyepiece?
  2. A Venus thread would be a good idea. The planetary forum has gone rather quiet. We need to get people fired up!
  3. Yes I'll be using it with my faithful old QHY5L-ll mono (not the pink version). I've also ordered the QHY-5-III-585C which comes with a IR850 filter so will try that on Venus also. Basically we are facing 3 months of rain 😉
  4. Nice job getting in between the clouds! Rained ever day here since I got a Bessel U filter 🙄
  5. Anyone using a stellalyra RACI finder? Eyepiece seems to be stuck fast when I try to rotate crosshairs. Skywatcher and AE ones unscrew easily.
  6. SOLVED! Sent the AE finder back and got this as replacement. Not tried on scope yet but crosshairs are nice and fine! Only 10 quid more and comes with a shoe! Looks far better quality. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/finders/stellalyra-8x50-right-angled-correct-image-raci-finder-scope-with-bracket.html
  7. Very impressive detail considering youre using a colour cam.
  8. I've ordered it from Bernard at modern astronomy. He's making up an order from QHY at the moment. https://www.modernastronomy.com/shop/cameras/lunar-planetary/qhy-lunar-planetary/qhy5iii585c-colour-camera/ Thanks for your comment on CN. 😉
  9. I've ordered the QHY-5-lll-585c camera which comes with a IR 850 filter so Venus will be my first target.
  10. Super images Astrolulu! There is no better presentation of the lunar surface than in colour! The resolution and texture of your images is excellent. I've just ordered a QHY-5-lll-585c cam and this is just the kind of Lunar capturing I'm after.
  11. Something a bit different. Full moon through a 9x50 findersope with Qhy mono cam and IR 742. Thin cloud was a pest and forgot to cool finder. DOB was nice and cool but didn't use it.
  12. The asi585mc has caught my eye. My prime focus is always planetary imaging but I do like to dabble in lunar, solar and DSO ( short exposure on alt/az mount). I've used my ASI 224mc in the past but amp glow and the small sensor makes DSO work difficult. Will I lose out on my planetary work if I replace 224 with 585? The slower frame rate of the 585 is my main concern. 200fps slower at 320x240 and over 100 less at 640x 480.
  13. Don't know whether you've seen this discussion on cloudy nights regarding the reflection issue. https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/807242-venus-night-side-1-micron-thermal-image-on-dec-23rd/page-2#entry11691626
  14. That's a very nice winter harvest Geof! Considering the weather wasn't great you've pulled out some excellent detail. Many hours of work there for sure!
  15. Proper ghosting on that colour cam for sure. Would be interesting to see what effect a ADC would have. Still nice detail on the mono! What alt were you imaging at?
  16. Very impressive considering you're at 13 degrees with a colour cam and Wratten 47 filter. Was the IR blocker BG 39?
  17. Apparently FC has an audible histogram and makes a noise which increases in volume as the planet appears on screen.
  18. How you manage to produce those images without tracking and with those thick crosshairs and also get such good focus especially on Venus I don't know 🙂 Have you tried the auto ROI centering on FC?
  19. That will be interesting to see. Certainly a bargain filter!
  20. I will look into the flip mirror option Michael though I've always been wary of how it might effect collimation with all the extra hardware hanging on my focuser. I did try a eyepiece wheel once but didn't trust it's build quality collimation wise.
  21. Thanks Kostas, I nearly asked you if you had a right angle finder. I'll have to persevere for now. Tracking isn't great if I can't polar align which was the case last evening in the bright sky.
  22. Thanks MikeDnight and Paz for those ideas. To be honest i'm trying to keep costs down but its always interesting to hear different suggestions.
  23. Good work Geof eeking out detail at this late stage.
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