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Everything posted by Ibbo!

  1. Good shot Luke. Managed both venus and mercury with the binos stood on top of the potting bench so i could see over next doors garage. Managed a few wide snaps but only got venus and jupiter, saturn and mercury washed out.
  2. Of the 12 ser files this was the one with the least cloud floating through. Ha -Lunt 60mm with Coronado SM60 for D/S ZWO 178mm cam
  3. Another in the series of - Not very bright objects to image, that seemed a good idea at the time. Imaging telescopes or lenses: TS OPTICS TS Imaging Star 71 Imaging cameras: QSI 690WSG-8 QSI690 Mounts: Takahashi NJP Temma 2 Guiding cameras: SX Lodestar Software: Pléiades Astrophoto PixInsight 1.8.6 Ripley · MaximDL · Photoshop CS4 Dates:16 Dec 2021 Frames:Astrodon 31mm 3nm HA: 12x1800" (6h) -20C bin 2x2
  4. Finally got it connected using the latest QSI drivers and switching to NINA 32 bit and as you suggested opening as Admin. Now to get it to talk to the mount via a serial converter. Thanks[
  5. Saw the moon briefly in a gap last thursday when returning from a foraging session at the supermarket and the sun last weds not had a glimmer of anything since except grayness.
  6. Done a little looking around on the net and it looks as though 2023 is the next decent year. https://in-the-sky.org/news.php?id=20220209_11_100
  7. My couple of reasonably successful UV images of Venus came with the 8" RC rather than the C11. I have not tried this time round due to the altitude and local horizon.
  8. Not good clouds clouds and more clouds plus fog and did I mention clouds ☁️☁️
  9. I will give that a go when the weather improves a bit. Thanks for the suggestion.
  10. I have just got mine. The idea was to build a rig so I can build up a mobile setup to use for my solar imaging, to avoid the bad seeing of the backyard horizon. So far two runs have been done and i can say that the frame rate was good at around 40 + fps and upto 60fps Next step is to try going mobile. I have also tried it with NINA with my QSI ccd but the QSI will not connect as yet - driver issue. Everything I have connected so far works, except the QSI having said that the QSI/Nina has also failed with the old Toughbook I have been using out there. I will test it with my SX ccd when its a bit drier in the obs.
  11. Ha -Lunt 60mm with Coronado SM60 for D/S ZWO 178mm cam Cak - Tak FS 60 Lunt 600b/f ZWO 178mm cam
  12. 23 x 30 secs 14 mm canon &D Replacement lens - happier with this one not prefect but at 14mm I don't suppose it will be at this price point. Cropped and cloned out the obtrusive bits, like the aerial and roofs and was pointing away from my unfriendly street lamp
  13. Thanks Mick. You could be waiting a long while with the weather. Thanks Martin. I have added a bit more to it, now 8 panes. Anybody else think of "Alien" when its posted this way? Do the clicky dance for full res
  14. TS71 qsi cam 6 x 600 binned 2x2 for each pane. Will I get the chance to finish it this year?
  15. 5 if you can find Neptune (6 if you count Pluto as a planet)
  16. Not the best of seeing today to say the least. 101 frames of 500 FD Ha Lunt 60mm Close up Ha Quark and SW ED80 mm Cak Lunt filter with SWED80
  17. It was pointed out that there are of course 4 planets in the shot (5 if you count pluto). 7D 14mm samyang and a phone snap.
  18. 10 x 300s/panel 2x2 binned TS71 QSI cam. Most subs were affected by clouds.
  19. Justfound this on You Tube. Everybody will have seen it but I had not.
  20. Thanks Bryan, I do have some RGB but it is not playing ball.
  21. TS IS 71 with QSI690 Ha. I have reduced this down to about 50%. 5 x 600s for each pane of varying quality. APP for stacking and mosaic creation, PI & PS for prodding and poking. If anybody shows interest I will post the full size image. Do the clicky dance for full res.
  22. For cloud top detail I have gone the IR -UV/IR -UV route, using a RC scope. Hoping to get another go once Venus gets a bit higher again. These others were with no filter through a refractor.
  23. Good to hear you are planning to get bak into it
  24. Getting more difficult as it sinks lower in the sky. Lunt 60mm RFT Coronado D/S ZWO178 cam 101 of 500 frames stacked in AS2 sharpened in IMPPG and further prodding and poking in PS Do the clicky dance for full res.
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