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AndyH last won the day on February 17 2013

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    Outside of astronomy, I'm an armchair supporter of my beloved Toronto Blue Jays in the summer, Ottawa Senators throughout the winter and the USC Trojans football(American style) team in Autumn.
    Praise be to the Gods, for the internet and the abilty of live streaming, otherwise I'd just be reading about their glorious victories(or failures!)
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  1. Hi Andy. Quick question for you about the TAL 100RS focuser. I had one of the TALs start to play up, and having taken the focuser apart found one of the 4 small bearings has come apart. I have ordered some new ones (after I found the link on an old thread), but is there any other modifications / refurb I can do whilst its apart? It had started to slip a little, so did hear comments referring to roughing up the draw tube surface to aid grip? Thought I would ask an expert having drawn a blank searching on line. Hope all is well!





    1. AndyH



       The following link, https://agenaastro.com/optimizing-your-gso-crayford-focuser.html

      whilst not for a Tal focuser, is a good resource for tuning up crayfords. I wouldn't advise roughing up or using a flattening stone on it. Doing so would cut through the hardened anodised outer coating, leaving the softer natural alluminium surface to the elements. I'd only use a flattening stone if the flat had been damaged. I think the link doesn't advise roughing up either?

       Whilst apart, I'd have a look at the internal blackening of the drawtube. If you think it could be better, now would be a good time to give it a coat of ultra flat matt paint. Same goes for the focuser end of the ota. Somewhat more advanced, but if you have access or know someone with a bench drill, it wouldn't be a bad idea to add a second(perhaps even a third) threaded hole(M4?) 120 degrees around from the original thumbscrew. 

      Can't think of anything else at the mo, but I do believe with the new bearings installed, you should notice a vast improvement.

      Cheers, Andy

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