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Everything posted by cutepetgroomer

  1. Finally some stargazing after a week. :)

  2. Waiting for my new eps. Will be here Monday or Tuesday. Wednesday latest

  3. Eagerly awaiting my new eps. Too bad still cloudy at night, may just have to gaze in the breaks of the clouds if it's not raining

  4. Money for birthday yay now to find eyepieces

  5. Finally was able to get some viewing in .

  6. It hasn't been too good at night for star gazing for the past few days. While the days have been clear, the nights have been cloudy. When I reach for the scope , the clouds roll in. Its almost as if , the heavens are saying no stargazing now, just enjoy the summer days and nights with the family. With my birthday coming in a week, I am looking forward to spending time with the family. This weekend I do have my work at the zoo, then right after I get done with my shift, we head to my hubby's aunt's house to meet up with some family. Hopefully soon the skies will be clear at night.
  7. My quest for eyepieces is still on going. I am thinking however that the fov is an important aspect as well as the magnification they can give as well. I have about decided to save up for the eyepiece and filter kit I want as it will come with a Barlow lens and I'm starting yo enjoy Barlow lens a lot.
  8. cutepetgroomer

    New Eyepiece

    I wear glasses myself and the stock eps that came with my new scope tend to out perform the ones that came with my older scope. I only have one ten mm ep and one 6 mm ep but I was able to compare the different20 mm eps and have noticed a difference. I love the kellners that came with the new scope compared to the Huygens of the other. I am looking for just having 1.25 ep kit though it's a bit annoying changing out adapters every so often. But hopefully there will be clear skies for you
  9. With any luck new eyepieces in the near future for me

  10. Sounds like you had an awesome night that night. I get some wierd looks from the neighbors but they just smile and wonder what the heck I am looking at. There is a language barrier so I can't exactly invite them to take a peek as I would like to sometimes, especially the little kids that look like they might be interested. I do know next time my uncle is in town I will be helping him look through one of my telescopes.
  11. Why must clouds cover up planets as soon as I focus on them? Oh well guess no stargazing tonight

  12. It's a rainy eveny :(

    1. tingting44


      good for us cloud observer's :D

  13. It looks like rain

  14. weather says no go for stargazing next three days: lets see how true this is. :/

  15. Cloudy right now hopefully I can see stuff tonight

  16. Last night was a bust for skygazing. Nothing was visible . Tonight I might not stargaze either because I work tomorrow morning early. ( as a zoo volunteer , I love that job though , I wouldn't change it) . Took apar the focuser rigging for for 50 mm and there was gunk build up. This is possibly why I can't focus to well on that one, but I did discover I could potentially upgrade it to take 1.25 format eyepieces.
  17. Saw mars finally with my tabletop telescope :) happy not dissapointed

    1. gooseholla


      It was giving particularly good views last night. Why can't mars always be like that?!

    2. cutepetgroomer


      Don't know but I'm glad my patience and insomnia paid off.

  18. Got home late, set up late, Saturn was a failure but the moon was a success. Decided to try out the Barlow, it's in need of cleaning. Didn't help I dropped it. Didn't get a chance to see Jupiter or Mars either with my new scope ..
  19. Ok with the eyepieces that came with my new scope my eps are : two 20mm , a 10mm and a 6mm along with a 3x barlow lens which I am a bit confused about using because each time I try I get no views at all(I'm new to barlow lens) is there any other ep I could benifet
  20. today is the day and i can only hope it doesnt show up while i do my test

  21. New scope should be here Monday so excited

  22. husband is finally gonna order the telescope for me :D

    1. emadmoussa


      which one?

    2. AlexB67


      Nice, when my missus got me an eyepiece as present she said go and order it yourself and handed me a credit card. Still I wasn't complaining :D

    3. emadmoussa


      I'm getting a Telrad for my birthday!! :) My 3rd one in 3 years... :D

  23. going to the space meusem tomorrow, and have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of my new telescope but it will take a while for it to arrive.

  24. Cloudy skies tonight oh well, I need sleep anyways just did dishes mainly baby's

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