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Everything posted by mrjonathanbrown

  1. Saw some AP images I wish I hadn't saw.. Um I'm totally jealous right now.

  2. does anyone use private channels on walkie talkie services to inform information.. such as weather status, events etc.?

  3. Deutschland - For a ski trip unfortunately can't take the scope :(

  4. Apparently its going to be a cloud free night with light rain.. Huh??

  5. The scope set up is just more of a posh ornament piece.. move clouds. Move out the way.

  6. Downloading RAW files to stack and process them for some practice until the clouds clear.

  7. Hate working weekends just incase its a clear night!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mrjonathanbrown


      Thats a shame its clear here just now but I'm working at ten. Gutted.

    3. Daniel-K


      oo night shifts suck!

    4. mrjonathanbrown


      Yeah I work nights perm usually just a Sunday night but I'm covering tonight.

  8. Whats up with this hobby.. never spent so much money in my life.. I shouldn't look at my bank statements.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ronin


      Generally it is because you feel you have to get something extra or have to have some latest item. The trick is to accept what you have. My most used kit is one scope and 4 eyepieces. Does just about everything. Don't think I have an eyepiece that cost over £50. Stop buying and simply go observing.

    3. mrjonathanbrown


      Thats fair enough mate. Im a beginner in AP so this has been a bit much for myself but I enjoy it. Just can't believe when you add it all up its counts for a lot. My spending it almost over. I have pretty much standard gear that will last me for many years..

    4. jabeoo1


      I gave up modular synthesis to fund this hobby ! That pretty much sums it up.

  9. 80ED DS Pro has arrived! Clear the skies..

  10. Is there a instant chat messaging group?

    1. tingting44


      nope....should be tho....good ideaaa

    2. mrjonathanbrown


      I think so too. Awk well :( Someone should create one

    3. mrjonathanbrown


      Skype group would be nice and easy to do. Its similar to MSN if anyone has ever used that.

  11. For a beginner there is a whole lot to take in.

    1. tingting44


      oh yes! thats an understatement lol

    2. mrjonathanbrown


      haha I see your at the advanced user stage! God Help me. I spotted a post earlier on and was very interesting saying that I barley knew anything about it but I realised in the future I'l roughly be posting the same problem so I know I need to start learning about it now. (Problems I have that I didn't even know I have)

  12. Evostar 80ED DS Pro ordered.

    1. Uranium235


      Wise choice sir!

    2. tingting44


      ^^^^^^ indeed!! ^^^^^^

  13. I taken my first few photos of the deep space!

  14. Is there a thread comparing the 130P-DS against the Evostar 80ED DS-Pro?

    1. Tums


      You will probably find threads on each scope, but I doubt there's a comparison , as there completely different, Newtonian against Frac.

  15. In my head to much and not in space.... (Clouds Pee Off)

  16. Spent a month in France and saw the milky way for the first time..

    1. RichM63


      I'm glad that you saw it. It really is amazing under a dark sky. :)

  17. What a night!! I was out in the garden for about two hours trying to polar alignment failing many times and finally polar aligned and my camera battery dies :( I come inside to charge up and by time its charged the clouds have beat me :(

    1. tingting44


      thats astronomy for you lol...welcome to the club :D

  18. @chrisshillito I think its all starting to sink in now - Im taking a wee break just now Il take the time just now to say thanks for thos tutorials on youtube!
  19. I appreciate everyone trying to help me out I feel almost daft for not clicking on haha. The bit that confuses me still seems to be when initial alignment using EQMOD polar alignment get polaris in the crosshairs of the polar scope then using latitude bolts get move polaris to 12 O'clock position then click "Align polar scope" EQ ascom then moves the circle in your polar scope to the exact position of where polaris should be (using the RA motors) then you adjust your altitude bolts/azimuth bolts to get polaris in that circle hey presto polar aligned. Why move the RA for alignment if its going to be moved once slewing to an object?
  20. Il keep reading over the comments until it sinks in the answer might be right in front of me I'm just not clicking straight away.
  21. Thanks for all the responses I have one more question on my mind when polar aligning through the polar scope your aligning your mounts RA in relation to polaris's transit time correct? Does this mean after polar aligning you only use DEC Axis? Im finding it difficult to understand if you were to slew to a celestial object after alignment your mount would move in RA/DEC (Depending on where the object is in the sky) but lets say the mount has to move in RA/DEC how can the alignment still be held?
  22. Hi guys at SGL. I have posted a couple of related threads in the past regarding polar alignment (How to) and the difference between drift alignment and polar alignment. I feel I am more confident in how to polar align especially how EQMOD helps so much and Backyard EOS for drift alignment plus lots of youtube tutorials. Anyways I have not yet had a chance to get out with the newly purchased mount (HEQ6) weather has been well horrible as most of us know (I can certainly speak for Glasgow) - Well I know how to polar align (well at least I feel confident in knowing how to) Im having difficulty understanding how I move the mount (scope) after polar aligning - I understand your aligning the mounts RA to the earths axis but why is this if after polar aligning and you slew to a object in the sky you are then maybe having to move in RA/DEC? Im a little confused not sure if this has anything to with my lack of sleep.. been working all night
  23. Done so much research into polar alignment but yet I'm still so confused on what happens after polar alignment question is "How does my mount know its polar aligned and able to track objects?"

    1. tingting44


      id start a thread lol.......

    2. mrjonathanbrown


      Yeah I did - You selling the 130P-DS?

    3. tingting44


      i will be, need to save funds for my new scope 1st tho

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