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Posts posted by PeterCPC

  1. 23 minutes ago, iwols said:

    thanks peter so once i have a dark and flats library i can use that with either scope for the same camera but i need to take seperate bias  frames for each setup i have ?

    No. Other way round. You need to take flats each time you use either scope whatever the camera as it will help eliminate defects in the image train like dust. Darks and bias can be used again as long as the conditions are similar i.e temperature.

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  2. 4 minutes ago, FLO said:

    The morning after, so back at my desk.

    I see yesterday afternoon, Ian emailed you saying we would arrange for Es' to check your telescope if you wish. For your peace of mind. 

    You replied that you wanted this to happen, so Ian arranged collection for Monday. All this before I replied to you here at SGL. 

    I know from experience how two conversations, one here and another with a colleague via email, can confuse, so I'll bow out and leave you in Ian's capable hands 🙂 



    Thank you Steve.

  3. 15 hours ago, FLO said:

    I understand you are already talking with my colleague, Ian. 


    It is after hours so I am not at my desk but my colleague, Ian, did mention this earlier today. 

    He said (after looking at the images you emailed him) the pinching was only very minor, and not present at all until recently. 

    I don't know if he communicated this to you, but when speaking with me, his opinion was it isn't worth your spending money trying to correct such a minor aberration. He was concerned chasing it down, to perfection, would only introduce another. 



    Noted but how, in good conscience, could I sell the scope on at some point without declaring this issue. If I do who would buy it? I wouldn't.

    I feel that I am left with no choice but to see if it can be improved. If not then I feel it could be sold on knowing that I tried.

    It's odd that the telescope was fine during it's warranty period and then develops this fault but that's just my bad luck I suppose.

    I expected better from a scope at this cost.

  4. @Adam J

    Tried again with the artificial star last night and the air was much less turbulent. Temperature was 5C.

    When I transformed these from FITS to jpeg they were much brighter than they appeared on the laptop screen so the first one showing the star in focus (by Bahtinov) is not much help I think. I managed to darken the others sufficiently I hope. 1-6 were taken from in focus going out. 7-10 were taken just past focus going the other way (if that makes sense)












  5. 10 hours ago, Adam J said:

    I have not really experianced turbulance like that from an airtificial star normally its too close to see anything, did you let the scope cool to ambient once you got it outside.

    I would also say that its still too big though better, but I am starting to see some potential notches in the outer ring.



    Yes I let the scope cool for about an hour first. I'll try again soon.

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