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Posts posted by PeterCPC

  1. 8 minutes ago, wesdon1 said:

    I actually started out with using the 8 inch reflector for planetary, but I have decided to use the refractors instead, because  I'm assuming it'll be easier framing them in post processing ? In the 8 incher, I'm finding it very hard to "zoom in" enough ? even with my SVBONY EP Projector fitted with a 9mm planetary EP ? The planets are STILL small in the final image ? I read yesterday that I should be using F20, up to F30 if the conditions allow, and my refractors are naturally longer FL's than my big f5 reflector. Obviously I'm a novice in imaging so please bare with me if I sound stupid!? LOL


    I would not use EP projection for planetary. You would be much better off using a Barlow lens. When I do planetary with my C8 I use a 2.5 televue barlow, a flip mirror and the ASI224 camera. It can be challenging finding the planet sometimes to get it centred but the flip mirror is invaluable in this respect. I don't know what camera you are using but you can get Canons to zoom in using Backyard EOS.

  2. 4 minutes ago, wesdon1 said:

    Ok thanks Peter! I have 3 options...200/1000 Newt. reflector. 80/900 Achromatic Refractor. 90/910 Achro Refractor. I will be using my 8 inch Newt., it's F5 so fairly fast optics for DSO's. I use the Refractors for planetary. Thanks Peter! I really appreciate your advice and comments! Clear Skies!


    Interesting. I would have thought that the Reflector being the biggest would be for planetary and the refractors for DSOs.

  3. 5 minutes ago, wesdon1 said:

    Oh right ? Wow I wasn't expecting that Peter!? LOL. May I ask what telescope and camera you used it with please ? I can send it back and exchange for something else, if you, as a very capable and experienced imager, suggested I did so ? 

    I would not presume to advise you to do that - my sky conditions are different to you and equipment. I use an Esprit 100 and an ED80 Evostar.

    I suggest that you try what you have and come to your own conclusions.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, wesdon1 said:

    totally off subject here sorry Peter! But I just been looking through some of your Astro images via the link on your comments and I was blown away! Especially your Horsehead nebula shot! Just stunning! I'm TRILLIONS of miles from getting to that level but my goodness I will get there eventually! LOL. I just bought my first decent imaging filter, after using a cheap ( £25'ish ) Light Pollution Filter. The results with said cheap LPF are really impressive for personally, it allowed me to increase my sub-exposures from 10-20 secs to 1 minute before LP and SG starts to really wash out the subs. The new filter is the Optolong L-Extreme Dual-Band Imaging Filter. What are your totally honest thoughts on this filter as a first proper one for an imaging novice please Peter ? For information, I'm planning to use it with my OSC DSLR Camera, with an F5 200/1000 Newt. Reflector on my HEQ5 mount. 

    Thank you for your kind words. I actually tried the L-extreme filter but I did not like the results that I got (maybe just me). For LP I use an IDAS D2 which I am much happier with.

    • Thanks 1
  5. I use an AVX as well. If you want the best performance then you have to polar align but you don't need to do that for planetary imaging (I don't). Just do an accurate 2 star align. It's not unusual to have to slightly adjust it when doing planetary imaging - just keep it more or less central.

    If you do an accurate 2 star align and PA the AVX will be good for 2 min exposures without guiding. I generally guide for DSOs and do 5 min exposures with no issues.

  6. We seem to have had never ending cloud here for weeks. It was a bit cloudy last night but I managed to get a capture of Jupiter with my new C8. I miss my C9.25 but I couldn't manage it anymore - the C8 is so much lighter.

    Anyway it's not too bad considering the seeing conditions and I got one of the moons as well. Don't think I'll be trying for Jupiter again this season. I have tried to avoid over sharpening it.



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