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Posts posted by stash_old

  1. 1 minute ago, dunc said:

    I've ordered a 4GB PI4 and might get it in July according to the site KUBII (I'm in France). Initially I aim to put INDIGO on it and use APT to remotely control things (it has INDIGO support). Really I want to go the EKOS / Kstars route so I don't need a PC just a tablet to monitor things, much more portable.  Another project on the go!

    My experience of Tablets with Indi is not good - depends on the screen size /resolution and if you have "fat" fingers but too many - duh wrong button pressed.  

    Seems I am not the only one https://indilib.org/forum/ekos/5363-small-buttons-trend.html 

    But if it works for you - great.

    p.s. Let us(SGL) know how the Indigo works on Rpi4. 🙂

  2. 2 minutes ago, StarDodger said:

    Well I Have the latest INdI and Kstars up and running on the rpi4 under the new raspbian buster, had to compile myself, but working ok, and very fast, have yet to try in anger with kit connected, but looking good.... am very pleased with myself as never compiled from git hub before.. 😀😀

    Please post on Indi Forum - you must be the first - well done - see just follow the instructions 🙂

    Does this include any the 3rd party drivers  - a list would be good 🙂

  3. Cant say about Stellarmate as I have not used it.

    I have used Astroberry which like Stellarmate is based on Indilib/Kstars/Ekos and have created then same ,on other Linux distro.

    As you have hinted Astroberry's implementation is different but the basic EKOS should be very very a like so maybe the missing parts (Tele Sim,Polar Alignment etc) is down to not being up todate. The Tele Sim is normally under "Other" on the devices list - cant see this would not be there on Stellarmate but I believe you - so put a request in for help/update - you have paid for it.

    Anything else is just the creators view on how Linux should work and is not part of Kstars/Ekos/Indi - e.g. Wifi - These are "add ons" created as I say by Jasem and Radek. There are , I believe , some options on Stellarmate which are not part of the std "free" (or fully implemented)  Indi/Kstars/Ekos - Ekos Live I think is an example.

    Ease of use of very subjective - ask 10 people about Stellarmate/Astroberry you will get lots of variations - love ,hate and everything in between.

    I dont know how much direct help Radek gets but I believe Stellarmate is more of a development team "baby" not just Jasem (might be wrong).

    So Radek does one hell of a job on Astroberry - which is FREE unlike Stellarmate and other RPI Indi flavours.

    I will be honest I dont even use the RPI as a Wifi AP but prefer to use a stand alone 12v DC AP which I can take into the field so my connections are basically very simple no messing with Hot Spots etc and simple slots back into my home network without changes.

    I guess (know 🙂 ) others will have different views/thoughts but of course there is also Indigo so together with Ascom/Windows we are (will be) spoilt for choice.

  4. On 26/06/2019 at 22:39, JamesF said:

    Out of interest, what does Kstars need from Ubuntu that isn't in Raspbian?

    I found myself tempted to buy one today, but reined in my exuberance when I saw that I couldn't get a heatsink at the same time.


    Apparently Luanchpad/PPA - its used to update software on Ubuntu and does not seem to work 100% on Raspbian(Debian) so I am told. Someone set up Docker  (allows software to be distributed via self enclosed contains as you most likely know) a couple of years ago but it died a death. You can install Kstars (old version 2.6) from APT using Raspbian repositories but it does come with Ekos or at least didn't recognise Ekos.

    As a trial I went thru the "compile/Make" route with Raspbian and unfortunately it takes ages - this would need to be repeated each time a new version came out as I understand Indi. Plus do it in the wrong order (I should really read the docs first) you dont get Ekos installed and Kstars doesn't show Ekos in the Tools drop down. It runs and Ekos is available but I did't compile any of the "Third Party" drivers - e.g. EQMOD.

    Have asked for a Raspbian image section ,for just major releases, but it didn't happen. A lot to ask for extra support I guess.

    The instructions for building from source (Ubuntu and Raspbian) are here fYI https://indilib.org/forum/general/210-howto-building-latest-libindi-ekos.html

    Julian is the local SGL expert on compiling/make Indi unless Radek chips in 🙂


  5. I see someone is selling rpi4 4gb (no psu) for £100 on ebay. Mad  - CPC have 2500 4gb models in by 7/7/2019 - does anyone now days  have any patience any more - they wouldn't make good fishermen/fisherwomen

    • Haha 1
  6. At least there is 1 thing that Indi Stellarmate has that is very very good - a PDF manual very comprehensive document. You can also use it to get an idea on what normal Indi can do - a good read for anyone.

  7. 1 minute ago, StarDodger said:

    Yes i have tried it, and works well, but I don’t like the indigosky GUI, it works well, but is very clunky and long winded..but just my opinion, when the new indigo control panel is released that will be much better...

    What camera(s) are you using via APT that are on Indi/RPI/Stallarmate and what sort of frame rates are you getting with different ROI ? 🙂 Be good to compare when you change over to he RPI4 in the future.

    Obviously not DSLR. 

  8. 3 minutes ago, StarDodger said:

    How do I know this, because I have been using INdI for 18 months with Stellarmate, on the rpi3b+ and it’s superb in my opinion, it just works and never suffers from the same issues I had with Ascom.. also no USB issues, or COM port problems, what can I say, for me it’s been a godsend to get away from windows.. :)

    Indigo is just a slightly updates version of INdI, but really the same thing for the end user...slightly better coded, apparently, I have used a few indigo drivers with Stellarmate as they are interchangeable...

    Sorry I was referring directly to using APT 🙂 with Indi/Indigo

    p.s. I have used Indi for over 2yrs on wide field 🙂

  9. 3 minutes ago, Dr_Ju_ju said:

    Before I go the Raspian route, I'll try the Mate Pi version, even though its for the older boards, there may be enough commonality to at least kick it into life....

    Please report your findings Julian 🙂

  10. 11 hours ago, StarDodger said:

    acts as the replacement for Ascom, and is much better

    How do you know this ?  Have you used it if so please give us a report on your findings please 🙂

    Apt doesn't work with DSLR's on Indi for a start and will not being adding DSLR until next year (APT v3.90 I believe)

  11. Indigo might have a slight lead here - Indi relies mainly on Ubuntu Mate(other Linux variants do work) for RPI and does not sit well on Raspbian due to the use of Launchpad which is used to update software and get the latest updates easily. Indigo already uses Raspbian for some parts and may not (I dont know) need too much changing to run on Raspbian Buster(OS version). 

    As far as I know no other Linux variant,other than Raspbian, has an OS image that runs on the new RPI4 - out of the box and online to download.

    Then of course Microsoft ,which supports RPI with a variant of Windows, may port Windows 10 Desktop now - but IMO i doubt it.


  12. 11 hours ago, MarsG76 said:

    Is it possible to run Windows on the Raspberry? If not, than is Linux/Wine the only way to use PHD 2, APT, Celestron NexRemote and ASCOM... Reason I ask is because this little computer would be great in the obsy, but I image using the mentioned software.


    Well no and you dont need Wine (but I have used it to run Synscan App Pro successfully ) - Indi or Indigo uses PHD, CDC,Kstars ,Internal/Ext Platesolving etc and APT will now run from Windows using the devices(CCD images only at moment) on the Indi(RPI) platform. Even Ascom is accessible from Indi via REST and Indiserver (Windows version). This isn't new and was already running on RPI3/3b+ (and other faster cheaper(than Win PC) SOC). If you want a install and run (so Little Linux knowledge reqd) then you can use Stellamate (but not free !) which does everything std Indi (as it is Indi) and more.

    Indi does already what Ascom is trying to do now with Rest/Alpaca - distributed Client/Server software/hardware

    • Thanks 1
  13. As a matter of interest anyone with a RPI4 just tried to download Kstars under Raspbian - on older RPI3b+it downloads older version (2.6) and limited device drivers but it migh give you an idea if ,and it should, supports Kstars. It should also start Indiserver (again older version) that Rasbian Stretch 

    use add/remove software to find Kstars (not sure what that equates too under Buster!) but under Stretch it looked like the attached images. These also show Kstars/Indiserver running.

    Something to do with RPI4 while you wait for an update. 🙂 




    • Thanks 1
  14. 9 minutes ago, StarDodger said:

    Well I have the new Raspbian buster loaded, but not sure how to compile and load indiserver, this Linux coding is beyond my capabilities, and fine using the software....once loaded.. :)

    If I remember rightly there is an older version of Kstars available under Raspbian std repositories but cant remember if it contained Ekos and drivers.

    To compile you can follow these instructions but it will only worked if every dependency is available and compatible - I have only done it on Ubuntu Mate.

    read this https://www.indilib.org/forum/ekos/3512-solved-compiling-kstars-on-raspbian-debian-stretch.html

    Perhaps someone will update us on this.


    • Thanks 1
  15. 18 hours ago, StarDodger said:

    Nothing really even been mentioned on the Ubuntu forums yet, about support for the new rpi4b... 🙁

    Of course not they haven't got a stable release of Mate(beta 1 was Feb/Mar 2019) on the 3b+ - its still beta 2 and that's over a year since the 3b+ was launched. Things do not happen that fast in third party free IT software - if things are changed.

    As Julian points out there may be changes required to Indi drivers and/or QT5 - wont know till someone tries it out. 🙂

    As Han stated his software will mostly work out of the box because he is using the Raspbian OS as provided by RPI for the RPI4 and most likely just loading Indiserver under Raspbian which you have to compile (?) last time I looked else its an older version of Indiserver etc. I am sure Hans will correct me if I am wrong. 

    if you want to have a go at getting Kstars/Ekos etc working you can start by reading these instructions (Raspbian does not support PPA - last time I looked). This is the main problem in getting Indi/Ekos working on Raspbian (Latest versions of Kstars/Ekos). 

    Jasem wrote "KStars/INDI would run on Raspbian just fine, it's just a Debian distro. The difference is that there is no PPA for it, PPAs are an Ubuntu feature."



    https://indilib.org/download/raspberry-pi.html - dont know if these instructions are up to date.



    • Like 1
  16. Pi-Stop youtube demo comments:-

    That isn't running Ubuntu Mate that's Raspbian PI owns image/OS so a little misleading - The test is ok but not Indi and the file copy/loading from SSD should be taken with a pinch of salt - got to be faster but what happen when you are using a USB3 CCD streaming frames. As I say until someone runs Indi on Ubuntu Mate (or Indi create a image ready Raspbian version) in a "normal" CCD set up i will wait.

    Dont get me wrong its got to be better and at the price you cant moan or beat it. 

    If so good then 3 RPI4 using Indi in proper networking mode - i.e. Multiple Indiserver may be very interesting. So RPI4(1) runs mount,filter wheel,rotator and focoser. RPI4(2) runs two CCD camera's and RPI4(3) runs Platesolving and PHD guiding and maybe stacking - all for under £180. 

    I have to laugh sometimes - some people spends thousands on their Astro kit - mounts,camera etc then rely on a £60 SOC thats the centre of everything automated. No criticism but why bother if you are lucky enough to have that sort of free cash  - get a £400-500 SOC with inbuilt 2tb SSD, I7 processor ,64mb ram  etc and fly  not £60 on a RPI4 - I would but my wife would hang something up on the wall 🙂

  17. 2 hours ago, StarDodger said:

    Try Stellarmate, al the hard work is done for you, mind you at a cost it’s $49...but for me as a Linux dumbo, perfect. :)

    Astroberry is virtually the same thing AND its free 🙂 

    Just download image write to SD card and boot.

    • Like 1
  18. 3 hours ago, StarDodger said:

    Ubuntu mate 18.04 works pretty well on my rpi...as Stellarmate is now based on 18.04.. :)

    Haven't tried the latest 64bit Beta (no stable version released) image but the 5ghz Wifi did not work. Plus on the Indi forum many have had problems with Ubuntu Mate 18.04 64bit and Kstars/Indi.

    The server version has,for a long time, worked but the Desktop version is another matter.

    Are using Stellarmate and is it a true 64bit version not 32bit emulation on a 3b+?

    3 hours ago, SteveBz said:

    Excellent!  I could never get Mate 16.04 to work.

    What 😲 Mate 16.04  been running for a number of years and pretty stable - was it a particular driver or just using the wrong image on the 3b+?

  19. 3 minutes ago, SteveBz said:

    It looks about the same with more ports and memory.  Is that what you see?  The CPU doesn't look any different.

    Basically but there are still some caveats IMO :-

    1. Still uses a SD Card - so if you include (2) then anything that needs storage use (and cant use the extra 3gb in 4gb model)

    2. Yes USB3 but it seems to imply ,in the test review, that the USB3 speed was not used to its full potential - unless I miss read it.

    3. Has to have a heat sink and cooler else CPU throttled - not unexpected I guess.

    Still a good price and love to see someone run Indi with USB CCD/Cmos and see what they experience in the real world .

    Maybe others think different we shall see 🙂

    Again as I say well done PI

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