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Posts posted by stash_old

  1. One piece of advice which I hope you will take in the vein it is given - helpfully.

    Please stick to one approach until you learn Indi/Indigo or whatever. Jumping from set up to set can cause problems.

    The all in one approach of Indi working on the RPI3b+ will work - not saying that the any cmos camera will be great but it will work so long as its already supported.

    Best approach IMO is to add and try each function in a step by step approach so for example

    1. Get mount working - use ccd simulator.

    2. Then add CCD and be able to happily take images and be happy you know how all the options work on Indi

    3. Then add the Focuser - and test until happy

    4. Then try Platesolving you will need to load Index's on a normal Indi install - check the folder for Stellarmate in case it comes with all index's installed.

        The Sensor info is very important for Platesolving if this is wrong the Platesolve will fail.

        Make the Platesolve logging verbose and see what the output is - too many stars will slow the mechanism up and you will need to alter one of the paramters - Check the Indi forum its been done before 🙂

    5. Add and furher options you need.

    If you have problems you should always have the logs handy - word of mouth isn't really much help sometimes. 🙂

    Then get used to the Indi work flow.

    Then if required change your way of working to true Server Client if required but I suggest you use the same approach. NOTE The Windows way of Indi is totally alien to Linux Client Server approach as drivers DO NOT run on Windows just Kstars/Ekos and local Platesolving - if I remember it correctly

    Good Luck.

  2. 1 hour ago, StevieO said:

    Hi, I'm returning to imaging after a break and have decided to include plate solving as part of my re-education.

    I've followed the steps of this excellent tutorial and am now in a position where I can get APT and CDC to slew to any named object, and also to successfully plate solve using ASPS and PS2.

    Initially when I pressed the 'Sync' button APT would give the co-ordinates to CDC, which would centre the object in its screen and I could slew to it from there. However, for some reason all I get now when I click 'Sync' is a message in the log that 'Cannot sync to co-ordinates. Exception occurred)', although I can manually input the co-ordinates into the GoTo section and it will slew perfectly. I could settle for that but it's become a challenge. I wonder if the Planetarium setting is correct in APT Settings? The 'Port' setting for CDC defaults at 0. Should that be something else or is this another problem?

    Any ideas gratefully received.

    All the best


    I think is 3292 but dont quote me on it - so long as CDC and APT use the same port number to should work and APT is pointing to (if the CDC software is on the same PC) then it should be ok. Else check Wins Firewall (temp switch off - does it work). Plus are you sure its CDC not EQMOD giving that message. Does CDC telescope marker jump after the Sync ? Is the EQMOD setting set to "Append" - look on SGL for settings cant remember where they were but it came with pictures 🙂

  3. 6 hours ago, Gina said:

    Ubuntu Mate 18.04 has an RPi B+ version which works fine.  With planets not well placed and Solar minimum I'm unlikely to be doing anything other than DSO imaging for the next year or two and the RPi 3B+ and even RPi 3B are adequate.  I can tolerate a few seconds download time.  All the same, I shall be following this with interest.

    The last time I tried it (mate 18.04 on RPI3b+) 5ghz networking did not work but 2.4ghz did 😞 - has this now changed ?

  4. Interesting article,thanks to Astronerd on IndiLib forum, here on the likely (or not) production of Ubuntu Mate for RPI4. Doesn't look hopeful for a quick fix.

    However if you read the bottom piece you will notice perhaps a get around for Mate 16.04 - which is ,I believe ,how some got around the problems with RPI3b+. 

    Quote If you want to run Ubuntu on the pi4 now then I suggest you copy the kernel and firmware from Raspbian. This is how ubuntu mate 16.04 used to work. If you don't know how to do this then look up the many threads on getting the 3B+ working.

  5. 14 hours ago, sloz1664 said:

    No there are problems with some Phone/Laptop "Chargers" providing RPI4 with power using the Type-C power connector - If you use the correct RPI4 power supply unit it works fine (no RPI4 power problems yet disclosed by users on this forum) as should using a ,and I quote, "  A-C cables or micro B to C adaptors  will also work  " (which RPI Org sell) subject to enough current and the correct voltage.

    There is no battery on a RPI (except for RTC) 🙂

    But at least we are all better informed - thanks for the pointer 🙂

  6. 3 hours ago, StarDodger said:

    Yes I agree, if they got together they maybe could create something really special, but instead just trying to get one over on each other...and indigo guys feel that INdI guy is claiming monopoly of INdI and so that’s when indigo was born...

    What I don’t understand, is how any one person can make money from an open source project, such as INdI...!

    Because Indi are selling Indi/Kstars/Ekos via 3rd parties - e.g. Asair,Stellarmate etc  AND Indigo are doing the same via Cloud Makers.   

    We are the unpaid testers LOL. 🙂  - ok we dont pay for the software so fair do's

    • Like 1
  7. 25 minutes ago, StarDodger said:

    Yes you are correct and those two guys seem to have some friction between them

    Yep better time would be spent making sure the bugs in both were ironed out and stop claiming support for things that "are fully developed yet" with no clear mention of that "problem" on web site.  A Pity really more the merrier in my book.

    P.S. they are just the "front men" there are others behind the scenes.


    Still waiting for a "First Light" on RPI4 Rapbian set up 🙂

  8. 12 hours ago, discardedastro said:

    they won't pass Cat5e/Cat6 certifications and thus may not operate properly at 100M or 1G depending on your distances

    No they work fine (no snags either) and I was talking around the mount  in an observatory NOT 100m runs from house to Obsys - which I use outside grade RJ45 Cat6 anyway - again works fine.

  9. 13 hours ago, discardedastro said:

    near the scope so you can use flexible cables onto the scope, "installation" cables don't flex/bend well.

    I aim to try to use these type of curly cables more expensive but very useful https://uk.farnell.com/tuk/cpr2/coiled-cord-rj45-plug-3-3m-black/dp/2779706?gclid=CjwKCAjw04vpBRB3EiwA0Iieang9AUnPzBzFq9fDLk0TMsI4k4iXEEAdbLfgcSUQP-eP7nSBzw3ueBoCbQkQAvD_BwE&gross_price=true&mckv=lFlStgdZ_dc|pcrid|78108376509|&CAWELAID=120173390002134744&CAGPSPN=pla&CAAGID=14406255429&CMP=KNC-GUK-GEN-SHOPPING-2779706&CATCI=pla-300432182809

    Same goes for OTA power cables - when I get get round to it.

  10. Wireless why it just doesn't hack it - 2.4ghz is slow too prone to interference and 5ghz while being faster but limited distance - both are half the speed of Gigabyte Ethernet (dont beleive the 800mb its only on RX) and Wired doesn't suffer from latency like wifi.

    Ok 1 less wire but IMO just doesn't give you the speed and can be problematic when OTA are moving around.


    Wireless is fine for VNC/RDP (or Internet browsing) when everything runs on 1 PC / RPI but data transfer between PC's etc it just doesn't hack it if you want speed.

    If you are prepared to wait then Wifi is great and very convenient. 

  11. CCDciel is fast catching up on Ekos/Kstars IMO and it isn't locked down to just one O/S. It can give a far simply and cleaner approach to Astrophotography than Ekos/Kstars ("the kray twins") and its sequencer is looking very very good. If Peter(CDC / CCdCiel creator) keeps this up I will be binning Kstars/Ekos.

    It also allows you total freedom to mix and match by running on any O/S as far as I can make out and interfacing with Ascom or Indi or both (just wish native Indigo was part of it) - will be giving Astro nuts plenty of options for the future no doubt.

    I hear he is even working on an anti cloud machine 🙂 LOL


    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  12. 4 minutes ago, discardedastro said:

    From git and just doing make/make install is fine until you need to upgrade, update, or swap things out

    Just make a backup copy (as of course you do - right) and then hack away or just use another SD card (they are cheap enough) and do the same again. But I agree its a pain at the moment.

  13. 1 minute ago, MarsG76 said:

    I disagree... I did look into it, the whole "control" computer in a small package that I could just VNC into... this was appealing but I have my system working how I like it, its stable and I'm going to give Pi a miss.... perhaps later a Pi like device will be made that windows compatible, or when I need to upgrade than a mini PC kind of setup looks more attractive to me.

    Look, everyone to their own.... would be boring if everyone had the same interests and equipment.


    I think the problem is you made the comments after "look into it" - not the same as actually using it.

    You can of course use a super mini to run Windows and mount this on your OTA - it will run and work perfectly. But the cost £500 plus  for the privilege.

    You are 100% correct with the statement "each to their own" 🙂

    • Like 1
  14. 3 minutes ago, StarDodger said:

    they do get really really really hot

    Yes already noted that "bonus" others reporting similar problems. Compiling is CPU intensive but I wonder what happens when you run RPI4/Kstars/Ekos fully loaded and do a Platesolve.  Maybe its advisable to fit a fan anyway and heat sink so no throttling occurs at any point.

    You just need a first light 🙂 

    Good Luck

    • Like 1
  15. it seems indigo now supports rpi4 - image for raspbian on web site download - thanks to Copella for the pointer - it wasn't so a couple of days ago 🙂 Then use cdc and ccdciel instead of kstars/ekos if you want - should be good to go - maybe 🙂

    Must say CCdciel is pretty good at being the glue in ascom/indi/indigo - just tried ccdciel and cdc on windows using synscan all running on a small gigabyte brix win 10 - using my dslr which was connected to rpi(not 4) and indiserver - works very nice so far love the sequencer. 


    • Like 1
  16. 32 minutes ago, -Joe_ said:

    I do like Ekos, just wish it were seperate from kstars

    Dont we all brother 🙂

    32 minutes ago, -Joe_ said:

    For example, if I queue a set of 20 L,R,G, & B frames, and then lose connection, what will happen at the server/telescope?

    You would ,I suspect, have to start again as the requests are coming from you Mac Kstars/Ekos - try it 🙂


    34 minutes ago, -Joe_ said:

    I compiled indilib from the master repo

    including 3rd party drivers ? - e.g. EQMOD    

    Plus what Master Repos - Indi's ?


    36 minutes ago, -Joe_ said:

    I prefer debian to Ubuntu

    Ubuntu is based on  Debian ! - is it just the Desktop ?

    Good to get more info and reporting progress - thanks.

  17. On 03/07/2019 at 09:18, StarDodger said:

    but there are issues with Kstars, and Jasem does not seem keen to help getting  it to work on Raspbian, I have asked him a few times..he does not like the lack of PPA on raspbian...so I won’t hold my breath with that one as you say.. :)

    Yes I have tried again but all you get is Compile/build it and quiet when things are not working correctly.

    Perhaps Hans has got further with a "all in one" RPI4 approach using CCDCiel etc - he has been asking on the Indi Forum and progressing i think.

    Must be me I find the attitude sometimes very off putting especially if I was totally non Linux - but as I say it must be me (blame it on the straight talking Yorkshire side of family) 🙂

  18. On 04/07/2019 at 03:21, SIDO said:

    Nice result, I'm still using eye pieces mostly for planets and moon...too much processing with cameras for planets and my 8" dob visually has trumped any short exposure single frames I have taken with the zwo's by a large margin...


    Quite True - Except I am in a nice warm office ,being provided with cups of tea and cake and able to see more objects ,in near real time ,than thru visual alone.  But in the end people do whatever they love - it doesn't matter. Clear skies

  19. 8 hours ago, StarDodger said:

    Check out this thread, last post,  and you will see that there is not much that Wimpress guy can do to move forward..... ☹️


    Nothing new I am afraid to say - it took almost 1yr for Mate to come out with an image for 3b+ - and that was just a Beta and has problems. Hence some people ,including myself ,keep pushing Indi for full Raspbian support. Dont hold you breathe on that either !

    Have you tried installing Indigo via APT as per Indigo instructions http://www.indigo-astronomy.org/downloads.html That would give a working RPI4 with Kstars/Ekos on another device (laptop etc). On the RPI3b+ it was a simple process which I think you have already tried.

    Hence my original statement about RPI4 it's too early for people wanting simple Mate install - unless Jasem comes up with something.

    I am updating my Indi to Odroid N2 as it comes with Ubuntu 18.04 🙂 - even it  has a few problems

    Good luck with your Indi install on RPI4.

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