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Everything posted by groberts

  1. https://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/language/en/info/p3286_TS-Optics-Microfocuser-for-your-camera-lens-up-to-135-mm-Diameter.html Does anybody use these (+ see link above)? If so what do you think of them i.e. do they work + fit well? What size bests fits the Samyang 135 f2 lens - the 80mm is good but would it take the 105mm and thus provide other options? Thanks, Graham
  2. OK following the above comments + looking around more, I've narrowed it down to either (A) the ZWO Finder-guider f/l 280mm f4.67 or (B) the ZWO Mini guide scope f/l 120mm f4, which probably fits better with the widefield rig size I'm setting up. For the moment will probably use the guidescope with my ZWO ASI120MC which seems to fit well with (B) but might one day would want to pair it with a Lodestar x2 - would that be a probelm? Based on the above - any comments please?
  3. Hi Martin, I have just received my Samyang lens and like the idea of the TS-Microfocuser you mentioned. I make the relevant diameter of the lens barrel for this to be 73mm so the 80mm ring would work but the 105mm would provide more scope (no punintended) for other lenses. Was wondering which of these you have / any thoughts? Graham
  4. Thanks John, I'll be using an AZ-EQ6 mount. I currently pulseguide using +/-5m USB connection, which ideally I'd just move over to the alternative set-up. Graham
  5. Thanks for the reply: - does that mean you can pulse guide with it or only using ST4? - the scope & price look good but the reviews are mixed? Graham
  6. I want to build a widefield set-up - Samyang 135 f2 + ZWO 1600mm Cool & or DSLR - and would like to add guiding. I use a Lodestar X2 + WO 50mm guidescope on my main refractor rig which uses PHD2 and works well but would like to have a seperate guidescope and camera for widefield, so I don't have to break-down the main rig. I already have a USB 2.0 ZWO ASI120MC camera - can this be used for guiding, preferrably pulse guding + PHD2? Any thoughts on a suitable guidescope - perhaps another WO 50mm or the SW Evoguide? Any related thoughts or advice much appreciated. Thanks, Graham
  7. Thanks again, much appreciated. Graham
  8. Thanks Martin, that's very helpful - think I'm sold on the Samyang 135 for astrophotography, love the big picture it achieves. Any tips on focussing, I've always battled with this using a camera lens? Graham
  9. Excellent image Martin, will look really great with some more subs! I'm thinking of going the Samyang 135 route,just love the FOV and image quality - would be interested to know / see what your set-up looks like + any advice ? Given your comments regarding f2 v f4 - does that mean you always image at f4 or are there objects that work at the wider aperture? Graham
  10. Thanks Adam - it's been a great camera and I'm considering getting another but just wanted to check I wasn't missing something. Graham
  11. I already have the ZWO 1600mm-Cooled camera + x8 EFW - 2nd generation I think, bought about 4-months after intial UK release. What is the difference between this version and the Pro version now on sale, if any - I've looked at the Pro spec and it seems to be exactly the same? Could you therfore directly combine two sets of subs taken of the same object using the two different cameras + otherwise with the same set-up e.g. on a dual rig? Thanks, Graham
  12. Yes, very good + also liked the music - what is it + what equipment did you use imaging?
  13. That's a truly great image of M31 and very interesing in black & white. Well done
  14. Thanks all, some good advice + seems to bear out my concerns: (a) zoom is probably not the way to go, and (b) tend towrds the lower end of magnifaction Regards, Graham
  15. I'm looking for a monocular for general use just to carry around and look at birds, distant views etc. and would apreciate any thoughts from any monocular owners regarding (a) desirable spec and (b) any specififc monocular - budget up to £100. I'd been hankering after the Helios 10-15x42 Zoom but have been unable to track anyone with these is stock any longer and now considering a similar Orion version https://www.astroshop.eu/instruments/orion-10-25x42-zoom-monocular/p,25379 Any thoughts on this would be helpful or would a non-zoom say 10x42 or less mag be better? Thanks, Graham
  16. Nice video Steve. Don't do much solar but have a Bader solar filter for my WOGT81 and as it's white light anyhow, was thinking of using my ZWO1600MM-Cool + Luminance filter rather than DSLR. Will this work? How do I deal with focus - it's already focussed for deep sky, so I'm presuming that'll be OK? What sort of settings should be used re. exposure? Multiple exposures for stacking or just single? Any other advice? Thanks, Graham
  17. Hitherto I've always used the Search list provided to locate, slew and sync an object. Alternatively using specific RA & DEC coordinates, how can I input this information so as to search and then slew to the said object using Cartes du Ciel? Furthermore, can such data be permanently stored so as to search and return to the object at any time in the future? Thanks, Graham
  18. Looking for a spare power adapter for the ZWO ASI 1600MM-Cool mono camera and just thought I'd check on the best spec. + supplier; think this second generation camera bought about 2-years ago. The present adaptor is: Sunny model SYS1357-2412, Input 110-240V 1.0Amax 50-60Hz, Output 12V-2A, 24W max. However, looking back at the manual it recommends 12V-3A for best performance not 2A. Will this really make any difference - what are others using - any recommendation on specific adaptor model & supplier? Many thanks, Graham
  19. Like the Eagle but particularly impressed by DWB 192. As you say it is feint even with 6-hours integration time but rather intriguing and would be good to see with greater time and other wavelengths - if you have the conditions & patience? Thanks for posting. Graham
  20. I've participated in a number of excellent MOOC courses (Massive Open Online Course) in the past regarding astronomy / astrophysics / relativity / gravity / Higgs Boson etc concerning a broad range of subjects with the Open University, Edinburgh University, Princeton etc. The courses are free and generally have been of an excellent quality with top lectures, including Peter Higgs himself on the Higgs Boson just after its discovery! I'm now looking for one such course that covers stellar evolution in more depth and wondered if anybody could direct me to such a MOOC on this subject? There are a lot of astronomy overview type courses that include basics of stars + other stuff but I'm looking for something a bit more focused. Any ideas would be much appreciated. Thanks, Graham
  21. Unless there's something wrong with my eyesight, I only see one ball head in those pictures?
  22. Thanks for the feedback. The problem with the Polarie is the need for batteries and x2 ball heads - one off the tripod and another off the Vixen Polarie, which gets a bit cumbersome to erect and not quite as portable as I'd hoped. Notwithstanding, it is a good piece of equipment that once set up works well and I'm likely to heed your advice on changing. Graham
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