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Posts posted by DRT

  1. 2 minutes ago, Moonshane said:

    you did well to reach the pedals at five days old mate.

    Some of us are just born talented, mate :wink:  :lol:


    2 minutes ago, faulksy said:

    the last time i got fined was on my gsx-r the police were chasing me and my mate, didnt know they were there untill we slowed down coming into a 30mph zone. the copper said he was doing 150mph and we disappeared :icon_biggrin:

    Obviously as a law abiding citizen I must condemn that behaviour. I don't remember ever breaking the speed limit on my bikes :rolleyes2:

    • Like 2
  2. Just now, faulksy said:

    that was actually the bigger number plate :icon_biggrin: that was my first brand new R1. i did get fined


    Last time I got fined for that was 90 minutes after I drove one of these out the showroom in Edinburgh and got pulled over at Washington Services just past Newcastle :rolleyes2:

    But she was a thing of great beauty...


    She was my second Thunderace - I wrote the first one off at five days old driving through a rainstorm in Glen Coe :sad:

    That's why I now drive Dobs instead of motorbikes :wink:




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  3. 21 minutes ago, faulksy said:

    thanks to garry he has given me another problem now :icon_biggrin:

    some good names from derek and piggy like it. any other names ?

    Name it after your wife/girlfriend - then if you mumble it's name in your sleep you won't get in trouble :lol:


    • Like 3
  4. 24 minutes ago, Timebandit said:


    Hi Derek. The 40 and 32 mm  televue. Original the 40mm came up for sale and I had nothing in the lower magnification at that time. And the price was very good also, so could not resist the temptation to buy☺. Then the 32mm came up for sale a few Months later second hand, and so again nothing in that range of quality at that time(now have a 28mm uwan). But around that time I was also seriously thinking about getting into binoviewing(managed to get the TS Binos from yourself later down the line), and lots of people seem to rate the 32mm televue for Binos . So luckily a couple of days ago I also managed to secure another TV 32mm. So now already to pair up at 32mm tv. 

    As a collectionist, it's a good job I do not have to pair up Naglers or ethos or alike, otherwise I think Mr bank manager would be calling me in for a word? 

    Ah, now I completely understand :grin:

    The 40mm was the fist TV Plossl I bought. I then completed the set and found out that the 32mm and 40mm have the same FOV so came to the conclusion that I had no use for the 40mm. It seems you are only part way down that road :lol:

    Both are great eyepieces, but I'm not sure why one would have both.

    The 32mm's are fantastic in binos, but you might want to consider the eyepiece extenders to give you a more comfortable eye placement :wink:


    • Like 1
  5. 12 minutes ago, Timebandit said:

    O well Derek thats done it, you will have to stand in for the dob mob this year. It's a good job you have been buying up all those Dobs. I hope you have a big vehicle to get them all in. As single handed you are going to have to be the Dob mob stand in this year (even though people might notice that the dobs have shrunk a bit)   .?                          

    I think that honour will have to go to @Moonshane and @Paul73 with their 16-inchers :wink:


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  6. 6 minutes ago, faulksy said:

    no mate the dob mobs going to the sw meeting, then elan valley then to the isle of skye for a week, not sure were the next stage of our tour will be :icon_biggrin:

    it is a shame though.


    An SGL star party with no Dob Mob? Have we somehow jumped into the Is There A Parallel Universe thread? :eek:


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  7. 22 minutes ago, Mark at Beaufort said:

    Derek that is a worrying statement especially I was considering that the AA152 would become my grab and go and outreach scope. Is the problem inward focusing?

    Yes - from what I can tell it needs another two or three mm.

    It is actually the Baader wedge that is the problem as all my EPs work with the scope with a normal 2" diagonal.

  8. @Stu asked me about using the AAS152 with a Baader wedge in a thread that I cannot find so I thought it best to post the answer here.

    The answer is that this scope and the Baader wedge produce absolutely stunning views of sun spots and surface detail. I need to try it side by side with my SW Evo 150 when I get home to be able to comment on which is best but from what I seen today there will not be much in it.

    The only downside for the 152 is that it does not allow me to use my E17 or E21 eyepieces, which are the workhorses in my Evo 150 :sad:


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  9. 1 minute ago, faulksy said:

    derek, i knew my colimation was out a mile so i thought it was something to do with that. i honestly spent a good 10 mins trying to find polaris and thinking i found it before but everything was yellow, then the penny droped, i looked down and there it was :icon_biggrin:

    Sorry mate - no excuses are allowed. It's just too funny :lol:


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  10. Mark,

    I used binos with mine but it was with the Quark, which is also a barlow.

    I spent an hour looking through it last weekend under a very dark sky in Skye and I have to say it was stunning. I didn't go looking for doubles but I did look at a few clusters and the resolution was fantastic.

    There is one advertised on ABS UK right now - used three times and almost half price. If you go for it I could help with collection as it isn't far from me :wink:


  11. 1 hour ago, faulksy said:

    quick quick review, got to be up for 4 lol

    clear skys, so had to try and set my pole lengths up, had to cut 125mm of them in the end but now it balances beautifully, whilst removing the poles each time a kept putting the lid over the mirror, i was setting up on polaris, try and find it with no finder set up and 2 yellow street lights 30 foot away and eye level lol. any way coming to the last stages with setting the parracor up and i couldn,t find anything, 10-15 mins went buy i knew the colimation was out but whats going on, you guessed it the cover was on the mirror box :iamwithstupid:

    any way got it set and stars are super bright polaris was so easy to split with the 21e , checked colimation and the primary centre spot was well out but left it, had to find the ring neb, got it wow colours were great even though i had no shroud and my garden was lit up like daylight, made up cant believe it.


    quick add on, cant believe the different colour stars never noticed it before , or not to that extent they were well obvious . HAPPY BUNNY INDEED

    Of all the posts I have read on any subject on any forum I don't think I have read anything so obviously excited and enthusiastic from a grown man as the above post.

    Absolutely brilliant :grin:

    ...and leaving the lens cap on has now been taken to new proportions :lol:



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  12. 5 minutes ago, faulksy said:

    thank you so much simon, kind words and the truth, already been looking through it today at some leaves on trees around 50 meteres away, could see all the veins and a lady bird having a feed, it was yellow very strange :icon_biggrin:

    Are you sure it wasn't just a reflection of your center spot :lol:


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