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Posts posted by DRT

  1. 5 minutes ago, Stu said:

    This arrived today. Have been wanting one for a while, very lovely ‘chunky’ little thing, feels very nicely made. Focuser is very smooth and it is incredibly compact with the retractable dewshield. It reminds me of a more up to date, slightly bigger version of my old WO SD66 and will hopefully come everywhere with me, to places the Tak dare not go (or rather fit!)


    You're not secretly becoming an imager are you, @Stu? :eek: '

    • Haha 3
  2. 26 minutes ago, Stu said:

    Not seen those before Derek, is it even smaller than the Mini Ercole? Looks interesting.  It has a little more height than my Giro-WR so probably won’t need a pillar of any sort to avoid tripod leg clashes! Nice, although I do see the white is a little unusual. Can’t see it in the dark though I guess :) 

    Sorry, a typo - it is an Ercole Mini, not a Giro Mini :icon_confused:

    It's exactly the same as the one I had a couple of years ago apart from the white bit, which looks like it is made of Teflon.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Alan White said:

    Post person attended today and I brings my XW collection to short fl ones. 
    Now have the 5XW and 3.5XW.
    Just need to add the 10XW and 7XW as time passes and I will be in EP Nirvana.

    Very nice, Alan.

    The final piece of my Nirvana Jigsaw arrived last week from FLO.

    This is what Nirvana looks like...



    • Like 9
  4. 14 minutes ago, iPeace said:

    I was very pleasantly surprised by the quality of view offered by a very cheerfully-priced 6" f/6 from GSO. It set me on the Newt Path (the fracs are staying, of course...).


    Good to know and I look forward to looking through this. 

    I can assure you my Fracs are feeling no stress as a result of this latest purchase ?

    • Like 2
  5. 21 minutes ago, Gina said:

    Depends how big the discount was.  But it will severely affect any resale value.

    I don't mind that to be honest, @Gina - the purchase was part of a bigger plan to free up money for other uses. 

    I sold some very expensive kit but decided I didn't want to do without the use of a nice big reflector for whenever it takes my fancy to use one. By the time I sell the accessories that I don't need and taking the discount, this thing will have cost me around £200. Not bad given that I planned to buy a new focuser for a 6" Orion Optics F11 Dob that currently doesn't have one but will now inherit the GSO Crayford from this scope when I fit my FeatherTouch Crayford to the 10" F5. Some creative maths then tells me the 10" only cost around £50 :lol: 

    • Like 5
  6. 4 hours ago, Paul73 said:

    Bank of Televue properly raided!

    As you know I had cause to empty my Tele Vue account a few months ago - it was very sad to see them all shipped off to new foster homes :sad: 

    But fortunes change, and I now have a very nice box of 100º monsters and a full set of 70º XWs.

    I have kept a small token of green and black in Nostalgia Corner in the hope that one day they might all return :smile: 



    Yes, I know, there are overlaps - but I keep telling myself it's ok :icon_rolleyes:


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  7. 20 minutes ago, LukeSkywatcher said:

    I could not live with a dent like that (even with a discount). Im a bit OCD about things like that. Id send it back. Love the observing chair. It looks very comfortable.

    I have a brother-in-law who is a panel beater by trade.

    Dent? What dent? :grin: 

    • Like 2
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  8. 2 hours ago, Geoff Barnes said:

    Guan Sheng- 830 = 10 inch f5  Newtonian.???

    Correct! But it is the Altair-branded version :smile: 

    There is a lovely dent in the bottom half of the tube which doesn't encroach on the light path and attracted a suitable discount. Very nice CNC dual-speed focuser and sturdy rings which are now attached to a 15" ADM Losmandy plate and the handle that you can see in the picture.

    Very pleased :smile: 


    • Like 6
  9. 25 minutes ago, John said:

    Now I will be very interested in what you think of that one Derek :icon_biggrin:

    I went for the Delos 14 in the end but was, and still am, very tempted by an XW 14 to join my other XW's.

    Will be sure to let you know, John. I have been very impressed with the others so far so when this came up I couldn't resist.

    • Like 3
  10. 4 hours ago, happy-kat said:

    I've put mine in a standard Skywatcher finder shoe and using that to mount on the mount clamp on my Skywatcher tripods.

    It perhaps isn't perfect but it clamps quite solid and I'll also be using the DSLR on it.


    I've also got an eqclamp I use with it as I haven't got round to tapping a 3/8" thread on the base leg.

    That is a brilliant idea. Thanks for sharing ? 

  11. 50 minutes ago, John said:

    My delivery today was a 2 inch 2x Powermate. I've owned and sold a couple of these in the past but fancied another go with one

    We will look out for it in the Classifieds, John ? :lol: 


    PS: I know how this goes - I've bought and sold three myself :icon_rolleyes:

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