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Posts posted by DRT

  1. 6 minutes ago, faulksy said:

    scared to look at the mirror now stu lol. he reckons its better than 1/10 but dont understand the readings

    The number that tells you the wavefront fraction is "pv wavefront 0.102".

    "0.100" would be exactly 1/10th. "0.200" would be 1/5th. So your mirror reading is very slightly the wrong side of 1/10th but not to a degree that would be noticeable (by 2/1000ths of a nanometre).

    • Like 1
  2. 15 minutes ago, faulksy said:

    got the mirror set, but havnt looked at them yet as they are so well packaged, got the report though, also got barry to write on the invoice free coatings for life, they also knocked some money off

    mirror report dont understand to be honest

    wavelength out 632.8nm

    strehl 0.990

    pv wavefront 0.102

    pv 64.68 nm

    rms 0.016 wave

    astmag 0.039 wave

    no idea what they mean

    pics soon :icon_biggrin:

    Those numbers look rubbish, mate. I think you should roll back to how you felt 24 hours ago and decide to sell the whole thing to me for a couple of hundred quid :wink:

    Can't believe you haven't opened it yet - I would have been ripping the tape off that box before I got to the front door! :lol:

    Very pleased you finally have it in your hands and look forward to seeing the end result.


    • Like 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, Timebandit said:

    When you go and collect, take lots of bubble wrap to help protect that 20 incher.  Walk carefully to your care also with that big mirror, no tripping.

    In fairness to OO UK who have taken their share of criticism in this thread (including form me) when I went to pick up my VX12 in July I was extremely impressed with the care that had been taken to package it safely. I have never seen larger boxes or more bubble wrap used on any other item I have purchased from any supplier. Barry also helped me carry it out and carefully load it into the car.

    It is sometimes hard to get a sense that they care about their customers, but they really do seem to care about their optics :smile:


    • Like 3
  4. Great news, Mike :headbang2:

    9 minutes ago, faulksy said:

    just phoned 00 back, still cant believe this great news. top fella there said yes collect today at 14.00 its in the chamber now being coated but will be finished dont worry. should i mention all these comments ? inputs please

    I think they do need to receive feedback on how this transaction has felt from your point of view but today is perhaps not the day to give them it.

    Perhaps take a few days to reflect and allow the excitement of receiving the mirror to fade slightly and then write a factual, objective and balanced review to post in the SGL retailer review area. You can then send them a link to and a copy of that review along with an offer to discuss it with them if they are genuinely interested in improving their customers' experience.

    Given the number of similar experiences I have read about here and on their Facebook page I strongly suspect they have little interest in hearing this stuff but I don't think that should stop us telling them.

    • Like 6
  5. 5 minutes ago, niallk said:

    Ha ha :) - yeah that's James Mulherin from OMI.

    They had my mirror in stock, and from ordering the scope with a deposit to full delivery from the US to Ireland it took 3.5 weeks... I was impressed by the service & responsiveness of Dave K and James.

    Very impressive - but we are in danger of making a grown man cry so perhaps we should go back to being sympathetic :wink:


    • Like 4
  6. 12 minutes ago, Stu said:

    I agree with Derek, don't give up chap, you deserve your scope more than anyone.

    Get a firm report telling you where it is and how far there is to go. Get a chunky discount too!

    EDIT Actually, just tip up at their place and ask to see it being worked on!

    That's not a bad idea. It is easy to fob someone off on the phone but much more difficult when they are looking you in the eye clutching a wad of twenty pound notes!

    It might also help to tell Barry face to face that a large group of his potential future customers are watching or participating in this thread and he is doing himself no favours by treating you so badly.

    • Like 2
  7. 4 minutes ago, faulksy said:

    It's not finished,  told him I want to cancel the order.

    Does anybody want to buy my dob complete with focuser and sips. Just need the mirror 

    Don't give up mate. You've put your heart and soul into that Dob and it will last you a lifetime.

    Did he say what stage it is at?

    • Like 2
  8. 2 minutes ago, faulksy said:

    just come of the phone and spoke to the boss, he doesnt know if its done yet, hes going to phone me around 13.30

    Absolutely appalling - I am fairly certain they don't sell 20" mirrors every day so you would think they would have some sort of handle on what is due to go out, especially as you have spoken to them so many times.

    I wonder what the buying experience is like going through a dealer such as Rother Valley Optics? The price is the same and the hassle of dealing with the Chuckle Brothers in Newcastle Under Lyme is left in the retailer's hands. I wonder if they get better service than direct  customers do?

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