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  1. As far as I know The Original ASIAIR and the ASIAIR PRO use the same software. My guess is there are a lot more Pros around than the original so if you go to the Facebook page there are more discussions of the pro than the other . ZWO use their Facebook page to update users about the software and any updates . The software is the same but will be used differently by either ASIAIR.. Hope that helps. Tam
  2. No problem as I said for beginners its a steep learning curve, you will get lots of help on here its just a case of asking. Another good piece of software is PixInsight but pricey so have a good look around and see what is there or more importantly what you can afford, its an expensive hobby too. Tam
  3. Jindivik you will find that this game is a very steep learning curve, the reason your images are very dark is probably you haven't stretched them yet, how many images have you taken? try using something like Gimp which is free and you can stretch them in that. I have ASI Studio but I haven't used it for imaging yet as I use the ASIAIR for imaging then PixInsight for processing these and that is also a very steep curve, so as a relatively newbie myself read about stretching images there's plenty on line for you to learn from.
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