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Everything posted by jetstream

  1. Exactly what it looks like! Congrats for a fine observation, Gerry
  2. Zero change to my eyes - easiest to test on an object of relatively even "brightness". No as the object exits the FOV the remaining visible portion does not get dimmer to this canucks eyes. Anyone else? what are the observations of this?
  3. Yes, fish during the day, astro by night. Just got back- a pair of huge golden eagles were watching us fish and then decided to go for a cruise. Man they are big birds, dwarfing the bald eagles also seen. Finished off with a long boat ride.
  4. I was looking at the western Veil the other night and features centred in both the plossl and 100deg showed better in the 100 deg. Theres a reason many use 100's on the nebs IMHO. Who knows - wife is home and going fishing 👍
  5. Nope, How about this one the "majesty factor" I truly believe that a larger AFOV helps viewing objects like the Veil-tested that one out the other night. What does an increased AFOV do to things?
  6. I wish some members debating this could look through my 15" and 24" side by side and then apply the theories.Actually do the 10,15 and 24 . Because contrast in fixed between the objects brightness and sky brightness no scope should be able to magnify brightness, many say.
  7. I'm not sure- is the surface brightness "fixed" for each object? Were delving into increasing an objects brightness in a telescope -where many say contrast is fixed between the skies brightness and the surface brightness of the extended object. The exit pupil deal is for our own perception of the object- however contrast remains fixed. Re; Aceys thread years ago.
  8. I always see both, but I had a great view of them in the H130 the other night...
  9. Thing is the light coming from the extended object does not change like using more LEDs in a flashlight.
  10. So the "volume" of light through the EP matters? not simply just exit pupil at a mag?
  11. Reviewed this lots starting many years ago- Clark and Blackwell. Lets use Pickerings Triangle- the 24" not only shows it brighter but with more bright nebulosity appearing compared to my 15", tested side by side for years. The difference is huge. My refractors show a "dim" image compared to these, same exit pupil, different mag obviously in this case. My refractors have better optical quality than my mirrors eventhough the mirrors are vg.
  12. I've argued this in the past and have been shot down in flames
  13. This implies increased mag increases object "brightness" .
  14. I know there is a link between object detection and magnification but we still need enough eye illumination. There is a massive difference between my 15" and 24" that I hope some members can explain. They are f4.8 and 4.7 (PCII) and Ive checked every possible combination using the Veil as a test subject and the 24" is just plain old brighter, with a PCII, without, using same eyepieces, filters, no filters, same exit pupil, same mag etc etc Mirrors made by same guy, same coatings and very similar specs.
  15. Excellent choice- a mirror diag works with any refractor - a prism diag does not IMHO.
  16. Looks fantastic Mike and I still love that mirror cell!
  17. Thats what I had in the dob, they are Vg.
  18. An eyepiece with a built in barlow or the use of a barlow might make things worse when conditions are like this.
  19. Do you have an OIII? What eyepiece to you use with your C8 for the Veil?
  20. I do this all the time as well and it also makes the Pleiades "bubble" come alive. Its great technique.
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