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Everything posted by jetstream

  1. Bring those bad boys over its -36c without the wind as I type this morning. Anyone who wants to try their boots out c'mon to my place 😀
  2. +1 ^^^ Very heavy setups ie my binoviewers can de collimate my dobs enough to cause loss of detail past half racked out. My truss dobs are very sturdy as are the Moonlights...
  3. @bomberbaz https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/61467-binocular-vision-summation/ EdZ's excellent thread on the subject.
  4. Binocular summation comes in to play I think and I would up the mag until it becomes a detriment.
  5. Just curious what you want to observe for the mentioned 2 eyepieces? If DSO is on the menu how dark are your skies? Filter use? or lunar/planetary?
  6. @Highburymark excellent report. I personally like triplet APO refractors and my best is the TSA120. Rumour has it the TOA130 edges it out but I'm not sure how this is possible even though those reporting it I do believe. Many of the refractors these days are top notch thats for sure with some knocking the SW series off the stump IMHO.
  7. 👍 I would stick with a mirror diagonal and the Luminos I owned were nice eyepieces.
  8. Does it show much scatter? My Sw diag is vg with a bit of scatter but its just the one that came with the scope, yours is most likely an upgrade from mine.
  9. They do well in the sea can, staying mostly equalized.
  10. Yes, but the views...👍 Cold weather usually brings clear skies, gotta love it!
  11. Just watched a wolf trot across the ice now that the sun is up- I wonder what kind of boots they wear?😀
  12. Nah, just my yard its -24c right now as the sun is rising and we have a couple of weeks of sub -20c happening. How about this- you bring your boots and I'll wear mine and we'll observe in the middle of January- maybe meet in Quetico to observe? It should be -30c or a bit less by then.
  13. Just saw the new wifi Catseye Cheshire, guess what I'm buying for the 24"... The Catseye cheshire is easier to obtain accuracy with than Glatter TuBlug, but the convienience of the latter is super.
  14. My 15" f4.8 uses the "new model" ( no offset) of collimation and the 24" f4.1 uses full offset. One of the issues with the new model is the need for larger secondary and another is a slight loss off accuracy with some DSC. The views through either are very good. The 24" has stunning accuracy with the Sky Commander easily re finding objects in my 10mm ortho. If you want to test you and your scopes ability to collimate, use the Catseye dual hole autocollimator IMHO. I test my reflectors using one but for visual I normally use a combination of Glatters Laser, the Catseye sight tube and separate Cheshire.
  15. Maybe I'll paddle over in the mirror box of my 24"
  16. @badhexThe refractors coming from TS will have more expensive brands quivering IMHO- their stuff is very high quality, both optically and mechanically. My 90mm SV is along the same lines as their triplet APO's and is excellent as well. Great scope!!
  17. I have a custom Siebert 60mm 1.25" for the Quark, its a good eyepiece. Mind you it didnt work well in the Quark.
  18. My cash wheelbarrow is pretty small these days- its called a 24" dob lol! Its handles are about 5 feet long Oddly enough, I prefer more image scale than the fracs give on the Veil espc. Upping the mag but keeping the exit pupil at 4mm-5mm with a tight OIII really works, for me anyway. Of course this means different scopes than the fracs. It is pretty cool seeing the Veil in the 90mm at 4.3 deg TFOV, but contrast seems down- actually its not contrast its just lacking mag at the needed eye illumination, same goes for the TSA120.
  19. Yup, great choice cant wait to here the reviews! You got a big wheelbarrow Vlad?
  20. The very well respected Tammy Homma on CN has one in a frac if I remember. He is a vg resource. Yes they do work in fracs but I'd go slower on the speed and reduce the aperture a bit to avoid some issues. Either that or get wheelbarrows full of money out for the triplet f 5 fracs...
  21. Seeing as were going for the gold here how about jamming the monster ES 30mm 100 3" in the focuser? 52.2mm field stop and only about a thousand Euros.
  22. One of the things I like about the f7 triplet is that it plays well with prisms and is very easy on eyepieces. No idea what the needed field flattener would do to the specs for imaging.
  23. TS sells a 96mm f6 in a Triplet APO with Japanese lenses/cell https://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p14015_TS-Optics-APO-Refractor-96-576-mm---FCD100-Triplet-Lens-from-Japan.html
  24. My 90mm f7 SV will do it, not a big aperture though. Using my Vixen 42mm with a 46mm fs gives 46/630x57.3=4.18 TFOV. The Vixen has a bit of astig at the edges so other options might be better. The TFOV of this scope is one of the reasons I bought it. TS sells similar I think.
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