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Everything posted by paulastro

  1. Yes Malcolm, Takahashi owners do like to talk about the experiences they have had with their telescopes. I remember a post about Takahashi telescopes a little while ago which was about the merits of licking the lense of their Takahashi! I kid you not. I remember who posted it, but I'm not saying 😇. I think being a bit barmy helps if you're an astronomer, but Takahashi owners do seem to take barmyness to a new level ðŸĪŠ.
  2. There are some people who feel they need to buy the best (or at least most expensive they can afford) of anything - irrespective of their need for it, or having the skill and talent to get the most out of it. There are well off people who buy the best of everything because they can afford to. Some people succumb to the advertising and what I call 'upgrade syndrome' fostend in part by members comments on chat groups. Manufacturers will always bring out new models with 'go faster stripes' to keep their business profitable. Some people think it reflects well on them if they own expensive things. The first time I bought a telescope for astronomy was 1969 or 1970. In those days, there were mostly Newtonians or refractors made by a handful of British manufacturers - and you had to wait for it to be made. It is noteworthy that in those times people mostly observed visually and when observations were reported in the BAA Journal or The Astronomer Magazine, though the type and size of the telescope was mentioned in observations, the manufacturer generally didn't get a mention. I think now, for most amateur astronomers , the telescope they buy has little to do with need rather than want. At the end of the day it's wonderful there is such a variety of telescopes available, but being a skilled and experienced observer or imager is a far greater advantage than having the most expensive telescope.
  3. Following the purchase and delivery of my used Altair Astro 80ED-R on Tuesday, I was eager to try it out on the Moon. Visually it was excellent and showed a fine terminator, with the W walls of Cyrilus soon going to fade from view. The terminator from Hypatia going S past Cyrilus to Zagut was particularly fine. Despite indifferent seeing, the image was very contrasty and sharp with no CA that I could see. I took some single frames with the Olympus E-M5 Mk11, the best frame shown below, was taken at 00.30, 1/400 sec at 400 asa. There is also a crop from the same frame and the view for the same time from NASA's SVS Moon Phase and Libration Software.
  4. Woke up early to find an unforcast clear sky. Rushed out and after observing visually, I took some single frames, Tecnosky 102ED F7 and Olympus E-M5 Mk11. The frame below, and a crop from it, was taken at 6.34am, 1/800 sec at 500 asa.
  5. I love the sepia, it looks great 😊.
  6. Thanks Mark. It is a nice prom isn't it - had cloud today. I do the same when there are nice big filaments, thinking how they might look if they were near the limb 😊.
  7. Thanks Mark, I'm pleased you had a good view.
  8. I posted this in the 'heads up' forum, it still might be worth a look! https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/386494-nov-22nd-950am-two-nice-proms-and-filaments-worth-a-look-if-you-can/#comment-4172293
  9. That's ok then Stu, I was concerned Mrs Stu might be taking advantage of your good nature 😊.
  10. Perhaps because you haven't got planning permission and you're not allowed to Stu? 😊
  11. Two nice proms and filaments visible in PST. Worth a look, proms changing fairly quickly. Sketch and GONG grabs below.
  12. Fabulous report Mike, I'm delighted your setup is doing the business. From one splendid SGL fellow to another 😊.
  13. Many thanks Mark, that's kind of you. I'm sorry you missed it, I must admit, when the alarm went off I expected to look out of the window and then be ablego back to bed! It would be nice to see it if your son does observe it and takes a photo.
  14. Thank you, sorry you missed out. I've already put the Feb 2669 event in my perpetual calendar 😊.
  15. Many thanks Mike. Yes, I'm sorry about that. I don't know what came over me. I don't think I've ever posted a picture of myself in a thread before - in case I get molested by hoards of admirers in the street 🙂.
  16. Thanks Alan. In my hurry to get out, I forgot to take my walking stick I'm having to use for a spinal condition. I didn't feel a thing whilst I was observing - the pain I had when I was home was a price well worth paying 😄.
  17. The forecast for this event was 98% cloudy for the duration,. I put the alarm on for 6.20am anyway, and awoke to see the Moon through the bedroom window low down in the West! Dressed quickly, grabbed my 10x50s and headed outside. I knew I couldn't see it from home due to the low altitude so headed up the road to the moors a 10 minute brisk uphill walk away. Arrived at a vantage point at 6.46am where I could steady my 10x50s leaning on a drystone wall. The noticeably subdued full Moon was at around 5 degrees altitude with the penumbral shadow covering just over half of the surface. The penumbral shadow was not clearly defined, but it was clear the full Moon was far less bright than it would usually be, looking wonderful in the binoculars. By 7.20 the NE limb looked quite darker and I could clearly see the curved umbral shadow of the earth encroaching upon the moon. It was a joy to see as the dawn progressed, the light on the landscape changing by the minute. I finally lost the Moon as it set behind the moors in the distance a mere nine minutes later at 7.29am. I have seen numerous lunar eclipses, but I felt elated to think I had seen a part of the longest partial lunar Eclipse for over 600 years, and to know there will not be a longer one until Feb 18th 2669 ! I made my way home smiling with what I had seen, accompanied by a stunning dawn sky. The phone snaps below don't do the event justice (for which I apologise), but they will always remind me of a most memorable morning. Also added, information from spaceweather.com
  18. Some good advice here already ScifiMan. I agree with Nicola, the best favour you could do yourself is to find a local astronomy group, and get along to an observing session where members bring along their own telescopes. You will have an opportunity to find out what the view is like through the different scopes, but just as important you will see how big they are and what they are actually like to use. The actual experience of using a telescope varies greatly depending on the type and size of them. Be aware that all of us have our own views of telescopes, so there is no 'best' telescope that will suit everyone. Try and talk to people who are experienced in using various telescopes and observing the types of objects you feel drawn towards. Above all, have fun!
  19. I have the Tecnosky version, and it's an excellent scope, I presume all the other versions are too from reports that have been posted. I'd wondered why you hadn't a version at FLO, I'm sure it will sell well 😊
  20. You have nothing to apologise for. I hope you enjoy your new acope and that you don't have to wait too long for some clear skies. The trick is to have it handy for immediate use, for when you have some unexpected clear patches.
  21. Many thanks Mark. Yes, the Scopetech Mount works really well with the PST. It's also very good with my Tecnosky 102ED F7. It would have been to pricey for me to buy new, but I was lucky enough to find one used at a very good price. Its very well made and probably worth the full price if folks can afford it. We are very blessed at the moment, with having so many good altaz mounts to choose from 😊.
  22. I had been out this morning, and quickly set up the PST on the Scopetech Mount Zero to take advantage of some rare sunshine. The transparency was rather poor, but did a quick sketch. The most interesting proms were in the N/NW. Drawing below, plus a screen grab from GONG 10mts or so after I did the sketch. Worth a look if sol is cooperating at your location.
  23. Thank you Mike, I hope we can get together for an observing session before too long - and before the snow sets in for the winter 😁.
  24. I woke at 6.30am, and spotted a lovely crescent moon in the brightening dawn sky. Dressed quickly and dashed outside with the SW 72ED. A beautiful sight, especially having had such poor weather since returning from Kelling about three weeks ago. A nice terminator with Bailly the largest crater nearest the end of the S limb. After observing I took a quick single frame with the Olympus E-M5 Mk 11 at 6.56 am, 1/200 sec at 500 asa. Only a few minutes later the Moon was absorbed into the bright dawn sky.
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