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Status Updates posted by PhotoGav

  1. So, it appears that the clouds, wind and general typical rubbish weather are on their way back again tonight. Big shame, I really enjoyed last night's clear skies, and I'm now stuck 1/3 of the way through my M42 project... :-(

  2. So, Met Office says 'clear' and Clear Outside says 'cloudy' - I go with Met Office forecast, but Clear Outside has got it right... Damn! I know what will happen too, as son as I pack everything away - yes, you know too!

    1. Uranium235


      Ive not gone out tonight, there is a massive lunar halo here.... to me, that says "dont bother son!".

      And surprise, surprise... the next clear night will be a full moon!

    2. PhotoGav


      How frustrating?! It was clear-ish earlier and I managed to get the C8 back on the mount and checked my PA. Amazingly it is still very good, despite the mount sitting out there in the weather for months now and with the children kicking balls about in the garden and certainly hitting it every now and again! Now contemplating how long to give it before giving up.......

  3. Struggling to capture the final sub for my current project - would love to have loads more data, but this weather........

  4. Thank you Weather Gods - finally playing with new scope... :-)

  5. Thanks to the weather I have become a Theoretical Astrophotographer...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Davey-T


      Since I got the QSI683, WO S71 & Astrodons I've managed precisely 1 hour of HA

    3. Stargazer33


      Looking in my astrophotography folder on the PC, my last imaging session was the Whirlpool Galaxy and Saturn on 16 May!!!!

    4. PhotoGav


      It's rubbish. I am currently hypothesising about what a set of Ha subs of The California Nebula shot through the WO Star71 would look like and how easy it would be to tease out all the detail thanks to the fast imaging scope employed...

  6. Tonight's Forecast - Cold with Clear Skies - Bring It On!

    1. PhotoGav


      Oh look, it's cloudy out there.............. :-(

  7. Upping the Ante tonight - First shot at 1800s Subs!

  8. Well, clear forecast + gusty winds + no moon = got to give it a go!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Phillyo


      The sky was incredible last night! Shame about the wind.

    3. Christopher Davenport

      Christopher Davenport

      I am so bummed out, last night was excellent, I setup for 5 hours of data capture and went to sleep after 25min of subs where in. Woke up this morning to find that PHD had crashed and ruined all my subs aarrrrgggggggg

      Well at least I got 5 good uns :(

    4. PhotoGav


      Aargh, that is a proper bummer. I end up snoozing on the sofa and just checking things every now and again through teamviewer on the iPad. Last night turned out good for me - OIII & SII subs for my Heart mosaic. Haven't managed to find the strength to process it yet though - last night was a late (early am) one! Just back to the PHD crash - that kept happening to me because I wasn't using a powered USB hub. Have one now and it's sweet...

  9. Well, I was doing some astrophotography, but now I'm just imaging haze... Dammit!

  10. Well, it was good for a short while... Clouds arrived and rain. Thankfully I packed up in time! Surely we will have some proper clear nights again one day soon.......

  11. Where have the clear nights gone? :-(

  12. Why oh why is this country so cloudy....?!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. emadmoussa


      Imagine the very long summer days without some cloud cover! The sun will turn vicious and plants will suffer..to put it in a non-scientific language.

    3. PhotoGav


      I don't mind cloud during the day...!

    4. emadmoussa


      Me neither...not fan of sunny weather myself :)

  13. WO Star71 finally getting some First Light...

  14. Happy New Year Astro Buddies! Here's to 2017 having a record number of clear and dark nights!!

    1. Knighty2112


      Fingers crossed. Happy new year! :) 

    2. Chris


      Happy new year! :)

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