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Status Updates posted by sooot

  1. Is on capture 134 for a prominance animation  (1 min delays) and plenty of non cloudy sky left


  2. Best seeing I've had tonight. Planets oozing detail

    1. orion25


      Great! Take full advantage :hello2:


    2. Drop Of Sun

      Drop Of Sun

      I wondered if it would be good. Touch of mist/fog our way, seems to be good conditions for planets.

  3. off to greenwich

  4. sun sun marvelous sun

    1. xtreemchaos


      dont rub it in,darn weather.

    2. Luke


      Glad to see your luck is in Craig, nice day to be lucky :) Down with clouds!!

  5. great view of milkyway from menorca

    1. AstroGZ


      Great view of clouds from Surrey!

    2. sooot


      Ha ha sorry for you guys but it makes me feel happy im not missing clear skies back at home

  6. non forecast morning sun.....gotta love it

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Luke


      Nice one. Good way to start the weekend proper :) Some clear our way too. Nearly made a stoopid mistake, deleted my flats thinking they were aborted captures. Realised just before packing it all away, so retook them. Phew!

    3. Purplehayze104


      that were close one

    4. David Smith

      David Smith

      Glad I'm not the only one who does stuff like that!

  7. nice to see Philae the commet probe has responded after so long out

    1. xtreemchaos


      its great that the little caps woke up,i allways throught he would, hats off for the Rosetta team.

    2. Snaxmuppet


      I didn't believe it would wake up but I was wrong... :)

  8. the weatherman lies, its sunny yippee

    1. Luke


      Checked the Beeb local forecast when I woke up this morning: Cloudy all day long. Turned out to be a beautiful sunny morning :D

  9. annimation on 2305 hoping for a flare......still waiting

    1. Luke


      I was out for a while, can't say I noticed much kicking off!

  10. no clouds attempting solar annimation......this could go wrong lol

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