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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. Looks like a really nice new design. I've the older version myself. Whats the silver brackets below the lip of the rotating part?
  2. The datail in that latest image is just insane, @Xiga sent me a link to it yesterday
  3. I used PS layers to add the Ha to red so cant help you, and I havent worked out PI yet I'd say for an Ha enhancement 3 hours is plenty TBH.
  4. Very nice! Should be pretty straightforward isolating the Ha from the NBZ depending on your stacking software?
  5. Yes I use a cheap A3 panel, works perfectly. I use a piece of opal white A3 acrylic 3mm board to diffuse it a little. It’s adjustable brightness so I haven’t had an issues with it being too bright.
  6. My SW 250px was advertised as being made of Pyrex (I’m assuming the reason for the ‘x’ on the name). Other versions eg 250p don’t mention Pyrex, I wonder what they are made from?
  7. I only use Lindy USB cables now, buy direct from Lindy, the delivery is quick and the cables come in a range of sizes too.
  8. Cheers. Just seen that. You can download both to a pc and counts as one licence use
  9. Just messing with StarXterminator and NoiseXterminator on a stretched image of the Witch Head nebula before packing up for the night, amazing software.
  10. I’ll try that out, but ultimately looking for a good way to do it, and just make an effort to get to grips with PI.
  11. Thanks Ian. Looking at it now again, it’s a tad noisy. Anyway, I’m using an old blue tube SW 250px, MPCC (not spaced quite right) and a ZWO 2600MC.
  12. Thanks again. I have bought StarXTerminator as a photoshop plug in. I wonder if I’ll need to buy it again for PI?
  13. I’m just starting out with arcsinh stretches in PS but wanted to try PI too. I can use DPP stretches in APP but they don’t preserve the colour data very well.
  14. Thanks @peonic just watched it and already feel like I can tackle it.
  15. I haven’t really much idea about PI. I just learnt how to do the PCC after another member on here showed me. I’m 95% PS for post processing but want to increase my usage of PI
  16. Can anyone share any decent tutorial for processing OSC in Pixinsight? I've used Astro Pixel Processor to get the data calibrated, stacked, and the gradients removed. I've opened the file in PI and done a Photometric Colour Calibration. I reopen the image in APP and remove background colour noise using the HSL feature. This leaves me with a linear OSC file that needs strecthed. Where do I start with this is PI (if that's not a stupid question)
  17. Thanks Stuart. I did actually use PI to run Photometric Colour Calibration. I'm seriously going to make a start on it though, thanks for posting the video.
  18. Was going to reply, I don’t think you would detect the light from the other object.
  19. Here is my WIP luminance layer - this is just the OSC data processed to use as a lum layer. I havent managed to achieve a good result with the colour aspect yet, so plan to work on that through the week. I'm also experimenting with droplet size and bayer drizzle settings in APP. There is 6 hours and 16 minutes of data in 120s subs. C+C welcome Adam.
  20. Yes two stacks. Shot during full moon so oiii was poor, just a quick run over the data, have got a couple more hour to add
  21. I think that is a very fine set of images indeed.
  22. I met up with @Xiga earlier today, and he really helped motivate me out of the rut I was in with regards to processing. An expert with a keen eye for sure, many thanks Ciaran! I had a small amount of NB data that I captured during the full-ish moon last week, so I thought I would start on it. The data was taken with my blue tube 250px, on the Mesu e200, using a ZWO 2600MC camera and IDAS NBZ filter. I guided with an OAG and 290MM. 22 x 5 minute subs, stacked in APP, split into Ha and Oiii, and processed in PS. No RBG data for the stars so I just added in the white Ha stars. Resized to 33% until I get more and better data. C+C welcome/
  23. I find 8 hours is the right amount for an acceptable image at ~F5. If I image at F2.8 then 4 hours seems to be sufficient for an ok image.
  24. Oh boy that is a stunner! What did you do with the Ha layer Olly?
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