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Posts posted by happy-kat

  1. Hi during the day use your telescope and camera and focus on a really distant tree or arial (no where near the sun) infinity focus is just that and the Moon or Jupiter would be in focus if you don't alter anything.

    Or make a bahtinov mask (or simple Lord y mask) and use that to focus on Jupiter, or a bright star, with your telescope and camera.

    Whether Jupiter is steady is down to seeing and atmospheric disturbance. Generally video is used and not stills as then you get many many more frames to hopefully get some frames where the planet is steady. This video you then process in something like Registax.



  2. In order to offer help it would be useful if Candela added a jpg to their post of their process so we can see the image in the post directly, I think you will get a lot more help if you did this and also added what software you had used for your process.

  3. Hi, great to see a static tripod used you've captured quite a bit.

    I found when I did a similar exercise of 100 x 6 second images I needed to split this into three sets, I used the middle frame of each set as the reference frame in deep sky stacker.

    You'll get three images to process but the edges will be less distorted if you had found this the case so far, the final three can then be joined using something like Microsoft ICE, you'll get a wider final image then crop the top and bottom of desired. I had used a 24mm lens rather than a 50mm.

    Many infinity photo or photoshop astro processing videos can be followed using GIMP.

    In startools to create a star mask go to Mask then select Auto and then stars or fat stars and Go to create a quick star mask. Could do print screen to save a reference of your process while you use the trial.


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