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Posts posted by happy-kat

  1. If you are looking at videos from a DSLR then video crop mode is useful, the canon 550d has video crop mode. Planetary cameras like the starting ASI120 are designed for planetary/Moon, check out the resource http://astronomy.tools/ and the imaging tab and select a target, camera, lens and see the effect on target size.

    As you are in bortle 8 I'd look at narrow band imaging even if you consider something like a CLS filter to start with and you can now use a 3d printed adaptor to use a 1.25 filter in a canon camera.

    Zoom lenses are less preferable than prime. There's a whole thread just on imaging with the samyung 135mm lens.

    If using free stacking software then you may find you have to convert the fuji raw frames to DNG before you can use them for stacking. 

    Depending on how much distance/stairs to your setup location something that keeps it small might suit your circumstances, staradventurer, there's a thread just on that mount too.

    Have fun researching.

    • Thanks 1
  2. You did well capturing the Moon at 1/8. It's good to experiment. Faster repeated exposures give greater chance of capturing during moments of less atmospheric disturbance. If possible video is good to use to be able to capture lots more frames as software like Registax stacks the best frames. 

    • Like 3
  3. Being treated again with lovely data, thank you.

    This is a first pass to see what the image was, I hope to reprocess at a less aggressive bin % and update this image but I wanted to share what I had done.

    StarTools 1.8.515a compose | crop | bin 50% | wipe | aautodev | HDR | colour [SHO 40SII+60Ha,70Ha+30OIII,100OIII] | shrink | denoise


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  4. Last night it was clear for a few hours and as I wanted to test that the flattener was working it did not matter the Moon was pretty full and in the best bit of sky. I used the virtuoso v1 mount with a LiFEp04 tank and a canon 1100d DSLR with the EVOFF-v2 and two of the 0.5mm plastic spacers I had made plus a flocked flowerpot on the 50ED as I contend with 5 street lights, one on my left shoulder North 15 feet away and one to the South 30 feet away so I am somewhere between the two bang on the bright Moon. I used Jupiter to focus on (my quickly made Y mask did not help so will have to make that again as the V was wrongly placed as a prior made one had worked) but getting focus on Jupiter's moons was good enough for testing.

    This was taken a few years ago but shows the natural star issues using a DSLR and no FF with the 50ED, 4 second exposure with tracking.


    The mount did not play ball yesterday and for this test I wanted to rule out field rotation anyway so took 0.5 second exposures, this is an image made of layering the 9 espousers together. Looking at the corners the stars are pretty good and though the right side is not as good as the left a bit of sigm clipping on stacking would probably sort that out.


    As the Moon was there I did a series of images to place the Moon in the middle then corners and then layered each over the centred Moon to expose any drift using the two bright features in the middle (though these were biased to the top half but nothing else was strong enough to use for reference) of the Moon to best manually visually align.


    Top right blue corner over middle


    Top left green corner over middle


    Bottom left red corner over middle


    Bottom right yellow corner over middle


    All corners over middle


    Whilst the Moon images do show slight stretching the individual star images are what count and I am very happy with the flatness the flattener achieves on the 50ED star field and certainly looking at images in Astrobin with a flattener either this one or Skywatcher great results are achieved. 

  5. That looks like an alternative, I wanted to use what I had already though I wasn't happy how I had been mounting the 50ED as didn't find it rock solid (I was using the supplied foot in a tiny finder shoe) but the rings were fine hence the solution I went for. I'll have to count the turns on the mounting ring screws to ensure the 50ED is parallel to the bar but given my imaging limitations perfect alignment is the least of my challenges.

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