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Status Updates posted by Amra

  1. Amagad the stars have finally reappeared! Tested QHY5L-II on moon, got lots of data. Also played with my astronomy binos for the first time, they work really great!

  2. Booo, probably rain all weekend. :(

    1. JessicaFaye


      oh no!! gutting, where are you?

    2. Amra


      Faroe Islands, it rains A LOT here.

  3. Clouds, clouds, clouds! Will probably miss the perseids. :(

    1. TractionMan


      Same here by the looks of the weather forecast. :(

  4. Flocking material arrived for my 200P, so I've got something to do for the weekend. :)

    1. emadmoussa


      Make sure you stay cool, last thing you want to do is sweat inside the tube and onto the mirror :D

    2. Amra


      Yeah, I'll have to be careful when I strip the tube apart. :)

  5. Haven't seen the night sky for ages, damn clouds!

  6. Need to learn how to image totality during the upcoming 20'th March Total Solar Eclipse here in the Faroe Islands!

  7. No imaging session for several weeks now, getting 'astronomy-withdrawal syndrome' :(

  8. Time for another go at a Sun mosaic, today there were reasonably many sunspots so maybe the alignment will go well. :)

    1. Luke


      Look forward to seeing it!

    2. Amra


      Woah so many dust bunnies on my footage, hopefully stacking will remove it!

  9. Trying to record Mars at 4000mm FL, double barlowed my 200P. But it's too windy and Mars is wobbling all over the screen, and clouds keep obscuring it, gah!

  10. Watch my timelapse astrophotography session, turned out quite well! http://youtu.be/mDoaT9qgR4g

    1. hobsey


      Yeah, I'm liking that. I want to have ago at that when I visit my mum in April. Very dark skies there.

    2. Amra


      Do it! I like seeing the tracking moving along in the timelapse, you hardly notice it while imaging! :)

  11. Woohoo autoguiding setup finally works, been shooting 10 minute exposures of M101 Pinwheel Galaxy all night long. Looking forward to processing my data. :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tingting44


      sweeeet! cant wait to see the results either :)

    3. JohnC64


      excellent news.

    4. Amra


      I posted my first processing attempt here: :)

  12. Yihaa, blue skies! If it lasts I can test my coma corrector!

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