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Everything posted by CraigT82

  1. Nice shot, tons of detail there, la Palma clearly has it’s atmospheric benefits! More frames in the stack would help with the noise, have you tried winjupos at all? It’s a game changer for Jupiter imaging
  2. Because it’s a bmp I think, try jpg or png
  3. Very nice image Geof, It’s slowly climbing higher, 26degs next year. Will probably be the year after before I can get a scope on it though due to trees at the bottom of my garden. Nice to watch the rings closing as you say.
  4. Lovely! Don’t see enough pic is this crater
  5. Haha thanks Alan… It’s usually the case that no matter how many times you pour over the data the first quick process you did is the best!
  6. Here is a middle ground, 50/50 blend of the first two in Gimp And here are first two for reference.
  7. Nice images, loads of surface detail coming through now. As you say the dust storm seems to be shrinking or maybe it’s migrated over to the other side and we will see it in the other hemisphere? The red feature you mention is a plain which contains Candor Chasma, a large part of the Valles Marineris. You can see it well in this one from last opposition:
  8. Nice work. Mars is a beaut, best I’ve seen so far I think
  9. Thanks Alan appreciate the honesty! I think a 20% stack might be perfect but I can’t face going through the whole process again, might just overlay one on the other in gimp and combine these two
  10. Nice work bet John Rogers was pleased to get those.
  11. Had a reprocess of this data on my lunchbreak today, this time used only 10% of frames rather than the 40% of the original posted image. I think it's an improvement: a bit less 'wispy' for want of a better word. Top new, bottom old
  12. Nice that's definitely got potential, just gotta catch a period of good seeing and you'll be laughing. Yes I use winjupos it's a godsend really, it's pretty easy really, the key is to get nice sharp images to feed into it as they are much easier to measure with the outline frame.
  13. That’s really nice, sharp as a tack 👍🏼
  14. That’s a conical mirror, cast glass with reduced thickness at the edges and ribs for stiffness and reduced weight. Held in place by the central bolt at the back as you say.
  15. I feel your pain with this one I have had two old scopes recently which were otherwise superb scopes let down by rusty old 1.25” focusers. I think the chances of you fitting a new focuser without having to drill the tube are close to zero unfortunately. You may be able to fit a focus motor to it if you could fabricate a custom bracket, but then you’d still have to deal with backlash in the rack and pinion (if it’s there?)
  16. Very nice yes seems to be some surface details on Ganymede, great work with an 8” manual dob
  17. That’s a beaut Neil the detail is excellent and pretty smooth too was this 6 minutes? You know I’m not sure you’re going to gain much by going to a mass produced 12” scope over your 10” with high quality mirrors
  18. Definitely a halo but looks actually quite attractive to me as far as halos go, though I do like the glare of the unfiltered sub even more. A 5 min sub of Vega is a hell of a test for any optical element
  19. Thanks Tristan, I doubt in another league TBH your Mars images from 2020 were pretty awesome not to mention your deep sky and solar work with the 250PDS! Just lucky I had decent seeing really and was able to get out there, that's half the battle with planetary just being in the right place at the right time
  20. Jupiter from Taunton UK on 8th October (I’m at exactly 51 degrees latitude, and I do mean exactly… my observing spot is 51 00’ 00”) SW300p on AZEQ6. ASI485mc. Baader Q barlow and ZWO ADC. 18x 90sec captures.
  21. I’d be surprise if you got a dud mirror from either Synta or GSO these days, those guys have got their optical production and QA pretty fine tuned I think. More likely that the cell it is in is either poorly designed or poorly executed. The cell on my 300p was not working properly when I got it but a bit of fettling sorted it. I have seen some superb images for people using tracking dobs so one of those would be a great place to go I think, having motors on both axis with variable speed is a real boon compared to and EQ platform where only the RA is driven and is just either on or off.
  22. Thanks Neil, yes the seeing was good and steady at the start of the session at about 10.45pm so I rattled off 30 mins worth of vids and then went back in for a nap. Came back out at 2am to get a shot with GRS and Europa but I couldn’t get focus at all and the image was dancing all over the place so packed up and went to bed. I’m using the Astronomik L2 as my UV/IR cut, purely because that was the only filter in stock when I was shopping for one, literally the only one! Usually use a Baader but not fussed about the brand really so pretty happy with this. Yes I do like a slightly warmer tone to your ultra white/ bluish preference, we’re all different beasts ain’t we?! I think the extra aperture was really put to use last night not often it does get the chance here in the UK but the old girl really stretched her legs. Not bad for a 300 quid scope.
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