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Everything posted by bomberbaz

  1. My own comment has actually pushed me to enquire again. Last time I did the treatment was cost prohibitive. However I know there have been many advances in the treatment pushing prices down, so I am looking into it again.
  2. I am with Moonshed in that a permanent setup (obvs) would be nice but where I live it isn't practical (or really affordable). I have a great main viewing setup with high end glass but my other glass I use with the mak, frac and P-DS is all fairly mid range stuff but it does the job. However if it was money is no problem option I could see most of it easily replaced with televue Delites and Delos or maybe Nikon Nav SW eyepieces. Oh I might think about eye surgery to remove my astigmatism
  3. Scotland's Galloway has some amazingly dark skies to the south as there is nothing there to spoil it. However that is 6 hours drive from me so not exactly local. Still going there in March for the new moon. 😉
  4. It is progress but as I commented to a friend on FBook, the N/Yorks dark sky is excellent until your eyes adapt. Then to the trained eye you can still see skyglow coming from Manchester through to Bradford and beyond. I was at the ribblehead viaduct so it may be less so (from the south) as you get deeper into the park. However don't be Mr glass half empty, it is indeed good news and worth a mini celebration.
  5. I really like the APM reticle eyepiece, gives me just over 4 degrees through my 80mm finderscope which works really well with a telrad. I know it wasn't the tightest at the outer edges but it's used as a finder, so not a main eyepiece. A lot going for me with this eyepiece along with the good FOV plus lower magnification compared to some IR/EP's there is very decent eye relief. Oh and I didn't actually know about the tuneable recticle but it hasn't actually ever been a problem, haha.
  6. So it is showing on Stellarium. I didn't know that it now updates itself with live data !
  7. Has anybody got a sky map of it that I can relate too please stellarium would be great. EDIT, found it in stellarium (Hip 20947), cheers.
  8. How short please, the images I posted up were 10 seconds each. However there ere only 40, far too few i know but it was just a trial at that length.
  9. These are my favourite results to date. I think moon has slightly got a focus issue but all done with a Wifi GTi mouint, 130P-DS and a ZWO ASI 224MC. I haven't got a lot of data for any of them but happy so far and i think I can go quite a bit better. M82 M57 M31
  10. Agnes, what are you doing, lots of short FITS and stacking? TIA Steve
  11. Is it possible as John mentioned that there is some dust or gas etc that is simply obscuring it rather than it actually shrinking?
  12. Not a chance then, way down the magnitude list
  13. Chris, are the quasars in your image bright enough to observe ? Steve
  14. excellent goran, I will save this to my file along with wim's and put on my dark site to do list. Cheers Steve
  15. Very, very impressed with the image, although your arrow drawings are pretty rubbish 😅 Sorry forgive me soh. Do you have references for the quasars? Find this stuff fascinating. I assume the mass we are looking at in the centre is galaxy core?
  16. 3C 273 can be observed visually too and is on my list. It is available from early January if you are dedicated (read slightly mad) enough but March is more reasonable as it is to the right of Virgo. I had bookmarked it to visual but might have a go at imaging.
  17. Thanks for that, just tried it and it does work without using the menu. Just use the relevent exe. file and it runs. 👍
  18. I tend to use this software for planetary, find it easier than sharpcap. Anyway, fresh install of windows yesterday and when I install the software, it runs for a second then shuts down before I can do anything. I have tried troubleshooting but even in compatibility mode it won't run. Anybody else come across this. TIA Steve
  19. Very good forecast for tomorrow morning although very cold so hopefully well settled skies. So all being well I shall give it a bash and see what's going on.
  20. I am aware of rotating the camera and also about the settings in stellarium but something didn't seem right. I will look again tonight with bins, visual through scope and then with camera to see if I can replicate what I think is happening. Sorry for vagueness but now i am not sure myself. regards
  21. Hello all. I have a SW 130 P-DS and I am using a ZWO 224mc camera to do some basic unguided EV type imaging. (I am really enjoying it too) Anyway, on stellarium when I use the ocular (eyepiece) view to look at an object it shows an view as I would expect, rotated 180 degrees. However when I click on the image sensor frame it shows it unrotated, that is to say how it is seen in the sky, is this right. I would have expected to have an image exactly the same as my eye see's it, rotated 180 degrees. Am I missing something here. EDIT. Come to think of it, the moon was unrotated when I imaged it, now I am confused. (from 25/11/2020 - slightly out of focus)
  22. Thanks for that freddie, some good results there from a few of the contributors, especially @paulobao from Portugal. Also found the thread from @robbieince and his efforts were even more amazing with his Kielder deep field result. Wonder what gear he used, couldn't find that information on report other than camera. KDF report here KDF Report @Davey-T makes a good point, with the advances in modern cameras such as the ZWO 6200 model and a decent apertured ota might be able to yield some good results. Dark, settled skies the key here though. Doubt my outfit would yield anything, but would be willing to give it a whirl.
  23. Hello all. I wondered if anyone has ever had a bash at doing something similar to the Hubble deep space image. I realise we don't have anything like the equipment / resolution etc that Hubble has, but would be interested to see what anyone's similar efforts were like.
  24. Following on from earlier discussions and taking on board comments and information given I have got some new and in my eyes, much improved results. I paid particular notice to using the histogram in getting my exposure/gain settings right although I struggled with the mount accuracy earlier on. Other than M82 I didn't try to process too much other than equalising colours, I really am a novice on processing and thinnk I need to spend time watching some videos. As well as the Moon which appears slightly out of focus, we have M31, M34, M81 and best of M82. EDIT. Added the TIFF files if anyone fancies having a bash at processing for me. Moon is composite of 4 image stitched in ICE, each image a stack of 250 AVI. All the galaxies are 45x 10 second exposures, M34 cluster is 5x 15 second exposures m82.Autosave.tif m31.Autosave.tif m34.Autosave.tif m81.Autosave.tif
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