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Everything posted by bomberbaz

  1. There are these classed as a full HD eyepiece camera bresser eyepiece Although to me it is simply the same as any other off the shelf bits of kit; eg zwo 120mm/mc. Although that said, it's a cracking price but i guess it's performance might not be great compared to other options.
  2. Ok regarding the E or W, which am I based in Burnley which is just to the west of london. I assume I should be west. (manual not very helpful for people actually living in GMT zone) I found a site giving location in DMS, thanks for pointer, I didn't read that in the manual either!
  3. I have no doubt I am not the first one to come across this so here goes. Going through the initial set up on handset it asks for various things but when it get to longitude, I am minus 2.15 (-2.15) but there is no way to change the setting to give the minus part. Does the hand set deduce from the time zone put in what these figures should be? Also latitude I am 53.79, it will not accept the 79 part of this coord so won't move onto next section. The best I have got it to accept is 53.59 then it will advance to next part. Anybody else have anything similar to this TIA all
  4. I am in the same camp as vlaiv here, I do not consider myself anything other than a simple astronomer. I get enjoyment from visual and eeva. It depends on the conditions as to what I will choose to do. Moonlight polution makes me want to do eeva or maybe moon with my bv's. I am lucky to have a close to bortle 3 site at 20 minutes drive so it is great for eeva. But on those rare occasions when visual conditions are good then my dob is in the back of the car and I am off to my dark sky site to try to get those dark sky objects protons falling onto my retina.
  5. What about sharpcap with live stacking, I would have thought that counts as eeva or is this more imaging as you are viewing a composite image rather than the actual live image?
  6. Personally I would have said yes EDIT: Given vlaiv's description above.
  7. Thank you @vlaiv, that was very well explained and my own thoughts of it fit into it nicely. Cheers
  8. Were you guiding for this image or not. In fact what were your data capture information if you don't mind me asking. I am having a go on thursday but will be unguided so curious. tia
  9. I know this might seem like a silly question being as I have been playing around at this for a while now. A while in this case defined as about 2 years with a gap in this period. I tried reading the "what is eeva" section again and when I did, I remembered why I didn't bother going beyond the 2nd section at my first attempt as it seemingly turned into quite a lot of complaining and whinging about what is what in eeva. So in the past I have used a 12" dob, 5" sct, 4" frac and currently have a 130 newt and a 224mc and newly acquired 183mc to use. Anyway, has eeva as a branch of astronomy been defined clearly yet? Oh to me it is enjoying looking at an object on the screen whilst capturing data to play with later.
  10. I like this option, seems the morpheus are very popular. I would like to try one out to see if they are as good as the reports suggest. Never noticed the APM 100 series before, have you tried one out @John
  11. What would you buy if starting out again but with a reasonable budget. Think you were buying a 200p dobsonian, probably the best starter scope if reports on here are anything to go by but basic glass provided. Now we know the stock eyepieces are not the best so we often tell people to upgrade with our own ideas or preferences. Often mentioning adding telrad or similar etc but that's another thread. Occasionally we see people offering decent budgets for eyepiece upgrades, up to a grand but to buy a full set of good glass, what would you go for? I will start with my choice. A full set of APM UFF eyepieces and a ES 1.25 - 2x focal extender. APM glass
  12. I don't have any pictures because both are still in the box but I have just taken delivery of a new ZWO ASI 183MC ZWO and a EQM -35 Pro mount. EQM I am slowly getting into EEVA but I have realised my existing stuff is at it's limit, then I got an unexpected cash windfall so Mrs Bomberbaz got her treat, this was mine 👍
  13. As per what john said. I am still using the stock clamps but I have relatively small OTA's on them, a 127 mak being the heaviest. If I were using something like a 200P then maybe a clamp upgrade to something akin to this would be needed. Primaluce Lab PLUS Big Dovetail Clamp for Vixen & Losmandy | First Light Optics
  14. Not sure if that is the right starting point. So often you see people saying they want to do visual at first but will want to go imaging later / attach a dslr or similar. People don't understand that the two branches are quite different although EEVA is now bridging that gap to some extent and so this needs to be clear from the outset.
  15. So I originally planned to go to a good vantage point from the top of Pendle hill, watch out for witches whilst there. It is a local and well known Lancastrian landmark. However my wife is recovering from hospital treatment and so I didn't want to leave her so made do much closer to home. A short drive (2 minutes) took me to a place aside the motorway slip road but with a clear-ish view of the setting planets. I was only use 10x30 bins so the view was not particularly well defined but still impressive when considering distances and such. Anyway it is in the bag but would like to do better if at all possible. If the skies are more obliging tomorrow I may venture out with the EEVA set up and grab some data, however the forecast is not so good. Cheers
  16. I know well what you mean. I was sort of mentally shouting at the TV at one or two parts, the one bit about Jupiter's core especially.
  17. Also got the 12.5/10mm version. I love them both so very much, had for circa 5 years and I have no intention of changing them.
  18. As we stand my favourite is my Nikon Nav HW 17mm which come with a EIC extender, effectively giving me two for the price of one as this adds a 14mm to the same lump of glass. However it has seen only a little use so far, mainly due to poor weather in the Taurus 350 and so this is not cast in stone. I also have a newly acquired APM 24mm UFF and initial results with this eyepiece are very promising so the above could change.
  19. This programme was on earlier on BBC 4 and I missed it. It dates back to 2018 and is really interesting. Good news is it is still available on BBC Iplayer. Very interesting and well worth watching if you haven't already seen it.
  20. I notice that this scope actually has a 3x barlow and a 25mm eyepiece. I am not sure of the quality of either of these but used together in the scope you have an eyepiece which is effectively 8.33mm, this will give you the x50 I mentioned above and so you should maybe hold off buying anything until you have played around with the eyepieces it comes with and the 3x barlow in combinations.
  21. following on from @Stu regarding exit pupils and magnification, you should also bear in mind that the higher you go in magnification, the more shaky the view will appear and eye placement becomes more difficult. I would certainly recommend getting the scope out as soon as possible and trying it out during the day on distant terrestrial targets to get you all used to this. A 8mm eyepiece would give you x50 magnification which has an exit pupil as referred to by Stu of 1.4mm and a true field of view (TFOV) of the sky of around 1 degree. This assumed the (AFOV) apparent field of view of the eyepiece is 50 degrees. At x50 you will be able to see the moons of Jupiter, some cloud detail and you will also be able to make out the rings of Saturn, seeing conditions allowing. If you are considering getting a different eyepiece then something in the 8-10mm range would be a decent mid range eyepiece to work with until you get used to using it. Celestron X-Cel LX eyepiece | First Light Optics 9mm is in stock and hopefully with you for the conjunction.
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