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Everything posted by bomberbaz

  1. I was coming back from the shop a short while since and I suddenly spotted Orion sitting in clear sky and so thought, bino's time. I slapped the TS 82's onto my tripod which is fitted with a mangrotto type fluid head, it isn't an ideal mounting solution and is only temporary awaiting delivery of the permanent one but it is ok on hard standing only looking into orion. Anyway, popped a couple of 24mm eyepieces in which give x20 and almost 3.5 degree fov and got on with 10 minutes of panning around orion in the area of and below the belt. It was murky by the time I managed to set up in all of five minutes, fluff's of cloud passing through and so the view seesawed between clear & then murked up again. However I saw enough to realise I should have got myself some proper astro big bins years ago. So another area of astronomy to which I am definitely hooked.
  2. I used to draw pictures of my childlike ideas of the moon, planets, aliens and spaceships when I was a little lad, I have always been interested in outer space as I saw it from a very early age. I got into the actual hobby of astronomy 9 years ago when I bid on a celestron 130 EQ at a charity auction during which alcohol made me bid far higher than I should have but as I said, it was for charity. I made a fatal mistake early on of looking through a larger aperture OTA and well, the 130 lasted all of 6 months.
  3. Guessing there is a bit of copy and pasting going on there in the Q&A as the grammar is ok 😅
  4. I hope that isn't real, seriously. Any right minded person will note the poor grammar re: 2021 parents choose (choice)
  5. There is humour and disbelief all wrapped up in one. Slap that on a box with a 40mm frac mounted on three garden canes and it would sell.
  6. Can't believe you haven't seen it tbh mate, I have seen it many times. No or high bandpass filter seem to work best on it. UHC-S from Baader good option.
  7. Yes we have all seen them before, adverts making false claims of scope capabilities but came across this whilst looking for something else entirely unrelated. You know the this telescope is capable of "huge overstated magnifications" and "impossible images using a smartphone", that's right folks, it's a incrediscope! Buy now, regret later. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B087QF46HP/ref=sspa_dk_detail_1?pd_rd_i=B087QF46HP&pd_rd_w=S7SeA&pf_rd_p=828203ef-618e-4303-a028-460d6b615038&pd_rd_wg=uGXHM&pf_rd_r=2VB8Q9V8XBEG8117YGV5&pd_rd_r=641a1ece-9e4a-4366-80c6-6cd45ff1b054&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExTjlWWFE2VFIyUzBFJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMTEyNDMzMUJWN0ZKS1MwSjFQSiZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNjkwNDI2Mzg1TDgwUjVKVVBMRCZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2RldGFpbCZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU&th=1 Advert full of contradictions and false promises for an 80mm F5 refractor. That said, there seems to be a fair number of satisfied buyers so they are filling in a market and at least getting people interested. However, it is all the false claims that really annoys me.
  8. 2022 objective list updated. Now when the weather clears.................oh erm wait 😂
  9. Ah one I missed off my list, trying to do some more sessions with my granddaughter. Did one a few weeks back and she loved it although it was brief because of the clouds. Cheers
  10. well we are only a half hour away buddy, maybe we can organise something with ourselves and anyone else local to us in the NY. Kettlewell should have some decent skies I would have thought.
  11. Your in Cheshire mate, get yourself to Wales, super dark skies in some areas. Just south of welshpool looks good
  12. Having recently sold quite a bit of gear which was my foray into imaging and used that money to improve my visual equipment, I don't have any plans to shed equipment unlike a few on here. So it will come as no surprise my aim is to do more visual this year as follows. Do more double star, asterism or other unusual star related objects. Also get out to dark sky sites more often and at the same time try to find a better option than my existing one. (current one is dark, but too exposed) Hunt down more really difficult objects such as quasars/super distant galaxy clusters etc. Attend more star parties, they really are good fun. Refurb my recently acquired 60/700 prinz astral and turn it into a really pimped up, instant grab and go. (This will be shown in the DIY section later)
  13. Waiting for clear skies to give my new TS 82mm bins their inaugural outing. I have matching APM UFF 24mm eps and two TV ultra band filters waiting to hit both of M42 and M45 although no filters on the latter.
  14. The amazing science of empty space. Just watched the above documentary film on amazon prime. Presented by prof jim al-khalili whose style I feel will be more to peoples taste that some other presentors. Essentially its an exploration of quantum mechanics and how these shaped the universe but explained in a fashion that people such as myself can grasp. Excellent graphics and visualisations to assist and well worth the watch. Sorry to none amazon members, seems they only have access to it
  15. I see what he has done there, change the angles of EQ to give you AZ, very ingenious and surprised I have not come across this before and would indeed be a worthwhile consideration plus only slightly over budget.. @Graviton1, where are you based as it is usually worthwhile popping along to a local astronomy club and chatting to the members plus discuss the various types of erquipment.
  16. £300 so over budget but does all you asked for other than the tripod. For deep sky you want aperture, for planetary a higher focal ratio would be a big advantage. Sky-Watcher Classic 150P Dobsonian | First Light Optics
  17. Hello and welcome to the forum. If you are referring to the 200p dobsonian here: 200p, then that is a superb option for a first scope but I would recommend going to the getting started section here getting-started-equipment-help-and-advice/ and take some additional advice and information before you push the button just to be sure. The rmembers of this forum are great and helpful people and will happily impart their wisdom to help you make the right decision "before you part with your cash.
  18. I watched the launch on my phone as I was cooking the Christmas dinner, nearly burnt the pigs in blankets as a result 😂 Seriously like you I was so worried about something going wrong on the launch, but it was perfecto.
  19. My neck isn't that flexible Peter 🤣 Seriously, It isn't a very good tripod though although it will be fine for my soon to be modded prinz astral 60/700, but more on that later.
  20. I will give a firstlight report, i also have a parallelogram on order but i would get away with using the mount in picture up to about 60 degrees so will limit my targets
  21. EDIT< Sing the first line below as "five gold rings! " Five star bins Four pairs of glass Some quality filters Other bits and bobs. And a partridge in a pear tree 🤣 Yes santa came early to steve bomber's house but sadly he brought cloud to the whole of the UK with him.... sorry guys.
  22. All the weather apps online are showing my location wall to wall clouds, yet earlier on it cleared and a peep outside shows it is still semi clear. (BBC/Met office/ventusky/clear outside) Could easily have managed a short 2 hours sesh had one of them given me a heads up, slightly disapointed.
  23. I have given this more thought and I have come to the conclusion that the added weight and length makes a 2" barlow, powermate etc just too difficult to work with so I will use what I have. So my answer to the problem is to use other eyepiece I already have, not premium but reasonable glass as already mentioned and a 1.25" ES focal extender. The magnifications I am looking at are x280 to x 450, so not a regular used one and for objects such as quasars, planetary moons, very high moon work and other very dim objects which in the main are pin points of light. So as long as the centre of the eyepiece is tidy, then all is good. Glad i made this post as it helped me come to a realisation of what is best rather than simply pushing the buy button on the 2" barlow and finding regret creeping in. Thanks anyway people.
  24. On the plus side I have spent a few bob recently on some upgrades and a refurb which is yet to be started so at least I can take my time with these 😅. #glasshalffull
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