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  1. Hi Kathleen,

    Are you going to the next Galloway SP in late Oct/early Nov?

    I have booked my place with Lesley today.

    Trust things are ok.



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SpookyKatt


      Hi Adrian,


      Sorry for only getting back to you now.  Hmm interesting re what lesley says,

      I might drop her an email then, that would explain it if Mike etc are trying to

      get people to book early.


      Good for you on outlook and your plans for moving to darker skies, where are you thinking of moving

      too or have you decided on that yet ?  I must admit I am thinking of trying to get out of the city

      perhaps by changing my job to contracting so i can live near darker skies.  Hehe to be honest after last weeks

      referendum I am tempted to move back to Ireland to be honest to try and keep my options open so I

      can work in europe.  Its just an idea but a tempting one at that.


      Well here's hoping work gets back to being a bit quieter to be honest.




    3. Adrian Condon

      Adrian Condon

      Hi Kathleen,

      Sorry I am later at getting back to you than is acceptable!!!!

      I am camping out at Castle Point near Kippford on the Solway Firth from Friday 29 July 2016 for 7 nights. I want to have at detailed look at the area, mainly for property available, price and how dark are the skies. The sky there in winter can be dark, but I am interested in the street lights etc.

      The amount of annual rain, frequency, and % that falls in the winter, how many clear nights are in an area.  Hope to meet locals in the pub and ask them....

      I also have looked at Ardnamurchan, Rosemarkie on the Black Isle, and the Northumberland coast. The west coast can be cloudy, while there is a sea mist on the east coast. I like the coast to the south east of Edinburgh,  Longniddry / Aberlady area. Also looking for a good south aspect.....

      I have also thought of France, Brittany. But not sure what Brexit means if purchasing a property there.

      I do have an Eire passport so I suppose that would be ok. What passport do you have?

      If you ever want to get in touch my mobile phone number is 07879 058741

      It would be great if you could appear at Galloway, I need a good chat....





    4. SpookyKatt


      Hi Adrian,

      Well those are all good location, it is certainly true that the western side generally gets
      more rain but I'd have thought that the Solway Firth might have got  some shelter as its
      set in from the rest of the coast.

      You've got a good plan though to go up and spend some time and get a feeling for the area.
      It might be worth finding out how badly that are has been hit during the very wet weather
      we seem to get now in the winter months.

      I've always found the east coast from Alnwick up to below Berwick or EyeMouth direction
      to be very dark although as you say that side suffers its own issues as well.

      Yeah I'm not sure how much things will change in the immediate future re Brexit but its
      a good point you make about the future.  I must confess I'd rather be part of europe than
      out of it but I know its not withouts its own issues.  You'd be ok with a Eire passport, 
      hehe I've always taken the easiest option re travel so just had a uk one but will probably 
      get my irish passport in the next while.

      Yeah hopefully I will get to Galloway, just need to kepp chipping away at the work for awhile
      before the dark nights return.


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