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Posts posted by knobby

  1. 1 hour ago, Stu1smartcookie said:

    I only used the 1kg  counter weight maybe that wasnt enough ? I really do like the mount ... its so convenient , tell me do you use a guide cam? And do you Polar align this mount in EQ mode ? i thought about getting the polemaster or an ASIair . (More Expense zzzz) . 

    Yes, it's guided (managed 300 seconds ok) I polar align with Sharpcap.

  2. I'd stick with the AZ-GTI, I did the same as you ... Couldn't frame anything with the star adventurer 😁 I love my AZ-GTI (in EQ mode) learnt to plate solve and now can frame even faint objects. I'd be more concerned as to why yours slips ? Mine holds a 72ED / OAG / ZWO 1600 mm and flattener , but it does need 2 counter weights to balance.

  3. Not sure of the mount but you could use Celestrons software here https://www.celestron.com/pages/celestron-pwi-telescope-control-software to control the mount ... so one cable from PC to mount - plus one cable to camera and one cable to guidecam.

    The cable to the mount may need a RS232 to usb adaptor but not to sure, I noticed that the evolution is wifi so you may not need a cable - Try the above software to see if you can connect wirelessly.

    *** if you're guiding then I assume you have a EQ wedge ***

  4. On 20/04/2020 at 20:19, knobby said:

    Thanks Scott, still umming and ahhing between the lighter HEQ5 belt modded and the EQ6R really not sure but appreciate your answer.

    Sorry chaps ... I went with the HEQ5, long term my shoulder isn't going to get any better so the lightweight won 😁

    EQ6R is clearly an amazing mount for the money !

    I'll miss you all 😁

  5. First thing I'd do is ask Rother valley how many amps the strap draws ... Or buy a multimeter and measure it. Then multiply how many hours you need by the ampage then roughly double it. That's the Ah rating you'd need for a battery to reliably last. To complicate things ! You probably won't have the strap turned fully up so you will get away with less capacity. 😁

    Rough guess a strap for a 12" scope will be around 2 amps so 2 X 3 to 5 X 2 = 12 to 20 Ah sounds high but you never want to run the power bank down to more than 50% 

  6. Try downloading Sharpcap, it's free and very popular so plenty of help available. Use a medium gain to start off and adjust exposure time til looks ok on screen. Take a video of approx 30 seconds and stack the frames with Autostakkert (also free) when saved tweak sharpness in registax (again ... free) good luck and have fun.

  7. Oooh lots of money 😄 out of my budget.

    Erring towards HEQ5 / Rowan belt modded but @FLO showing 7-10 days delivery ...

    Edit ... If I do go for HEQ5 would I be better spending an extra £30 on upgraded bolts or the usb cable ? 

    Can I connect to the handset ( I have a RS232 usb adaptor)

  8. 10 hours ago, Starflyer said:

    I'd say neither will allow you to image successfully / repeatably at 2000mm FL.  You may have more success at a lower FL with the dedicated reducer, but that's still pushing it.

    If I had to choose I'd go HEQ5 Pro every time, far better mechanics / motors IMO.


    Thanks Starflyer, should have added that I will be using the o.7 reducer so F7 / 1400 mm - 0.56"/pixel. My seeing is never going to reach that level so if I can guide just under 1 arc sec I'd be happy.

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