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Posts posted by knobby

  1. Thanks Michael, it's a brand new mount, cant feel any backlash (slight on Ra) I'm wondering if the fact that It kept losing the guide star might be the culprit. Another night of explaining to Mrs Knobby that 'no I haven't taken any pictures' just dabbling !

  2. Hi All, wondered if you could help me make sense of this ... new HEQ5 - belt modded by FLO, all feels good, minuscule backlash but strange guiding.

    Admittedly first time using it but baffled.

    Failed calibration see image below and guiding seemed to be Ra and Dec following each other.

    Stars look ok ish (@ 1500 mm )

    Needle galaxy is poor as only about 10 mins each in RGB

    note - it was hazy and did keep losing star in OAG


    Thanks for looking






  3. 16 hours ago, John said:

    I think it's a Tasco 114mm newtonian or similar.

    It is pointing away from the window. You do seem get this when scopes are used as props - especially newtonians :rolleyes2:

    I think this was an advert on US TV:

    They are looking through the telescope backwards in the new Little Caesars commercial.


    It's not the wrong way round, he's checking to see if he has wet himself 🙂


    • Haha 1
  4. No criticism Steve but your stars appear to have a weird diffraction - see attached. Looks like something in light path maybe ? do you have any screws maybe too long.

    Shine a torch inside to check. I know we've talked about this before but I've never noticed it.

    Any ideas anyone ?

    Enlarged 300 % to show effect - lovely round stars by the way !



  5. Had a great night imaging remotely again last night ( courtesy of @Blazar and anydesk ) despite several hiccups, a couple of changes of plan and some ascom issues we managed to align and plate solve successfully.

    Gave up on ascom and used the Celestron CPWI software (excellent by the way) and after all sky plate solve wouldn't detect focal length, went with ASTAP ( which I use and trust ). 90 minutes into session we had M13 dead centred and I left Steve doing 3 minute subs with excellent guiding and cuddled up to Mrs Knobby to watch some telly.

    No pressure Steve but show us the result !

  6. 9 hours ago, Chris Wright said:

    This is definitely food for thought, and worth looking into thank you. I have undertaken some research and believe it could be what I am looking for both in the short term but also this equipment would have longevity in the field.

    I see it is not the easiest to polar align but I would be highly tempted to control the mount with a Windows 10 LattePanda small single board computer which would allow me to use SharpCap to align but would also offer me audoguiding in the form of PHD2 at the stage I add a guide scope and camera. I am not the greatest fan of wifi control of anything as it is not the most stable platform but the fact that the AZ-GTi has a SynScan compatible handset port means this could be used for further USB connection from the handset to the PC when I opt to buy one.

    Very interested to see you not only have this mount but also the 72ED. Has it been successful for you? I am particularly interested in whether it has been adequate for say 2 minute subs. In addition do you think the tripod is up to the task or would you consider buying the Az-GTi in mount only form and opting for a more robust tripod and wedge?

    Really appreciate the help!

    Personally I love mine but you do read lots of horror stories about backlash etc. If you do get one get it from FLO as you may need to return it. Remember it wasn't designed for imaging or EQ use but Skywatcher gave us a custom firmware to enable it.

    Attached images are 300 second guided narrowband over 2 nights.

    FLO sell a cable which allows direct connection to mount so no WiFi worries.

    Haven't tried unguided though.

    Manfrotto tripod/Skywatcher wedge/finder guider/Sharpcap polar align.

    Scope image is out of date as I'm dabbling with OAG and have an extra counterweight to balance better.




    B33 - SiiHaOiii.png

  7. Interesting dilemma ... You state that you're thinking HEQ5 further down the line so any mount you buy will be a stop gap. Maybe consider an AZ-GTI / wedge etc as it's super portable for your trips to dark sites and will carry your 72ed nicely, it can also guide via the Synscan app. Worth looking at and cheaper too !

  8. Translation by Google ...


    I joined the sensor breakers club !!!. It is a Nikon D90. I broke his sensor trying to break the glass. I'll buy another one. But I need more information about the intervention on the Nikon D90. I want to add cooling to the sensor since I have it disassembled and I want to do everything I can to make it monochromatic and long exposure. Thank you for all the information provided.

  9. On 04/05/2020 at 15:30, Stu1smartcookie said:

    Since those carefree days and nights of last year i have owned an EQ3 and a Star Adventurer.. The EQ3 has since been sold and i hanker after my AZ-Gti .. yep i know its very similar to the Star tracker but , with the goto feature it certainly helped in my light polluted back garden . I have upgraded my tripod to a steel one from Skywatcher ... its a game changer ! These small portable mounts are absolutely brilliant . I will purchase another AZ-Gti but i have to sell off a few bits and pieces first . One question ... can i use  an auto guide scope with the AZ-Gti .. i only ask because they really do make a difference to length of exposure when  using a camera on my star tracker . The AZ-Gti doesnt have an st4 port as i remember . Sorry if that is a ridiculous question ! 

    No guide port but I guide using the Synscan pc app. Works on WiFi or cable to mount. Same as ascom pulse guiding (sort of)

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