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Posts posted by knobby

  1. All I can add is that planets are low so you're shooting through a lot of murky atmosphere and heat haze. You'll be very lucky to get much more than a blurry image till the planets are higher in the sky again. The whole idea of video / lucky imaging is that amongst the 2 or 3 minutes of video you collect , some of the frames will be during the moments of good seeing. When you stack the frames and select the better ones you end up with an image that you can sharpen. Don't give up and good luck.

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  2. 21 hours ago, kmaslin said:

    I have been using a Altair GPCAM2 130M camera with a 60mm guide scope on my CEM40/8" Celestron SCT setup and works ok

    However when I try to use it on installed Celestron off-axis unit - it is very hit and miss as to whether I can find a guide star in the field of view even if I crank up the gain etc. Is the sensitivity of the camera not up to it?

    Would you recommend an upgrade in the mono camera or any other changes/settings that I might have missed?

    Could continue as-is with the guide scope but have other plans for that and also want to get full use from the off-axis unit

    Cheers Keith

     How are you finding the C8 on your CEM40 ? Does it need two counter weights ?

  3. 2 hours ago, tooth_dr said:

    Yes, in my practical side by side experience it’s a lot better. I didnt make it up!

    Cheers Tooth_dr, reaaly didn't think you'd made it up 🙂 just good to see real world experience vs figures, of course now I need to update my Gpcam mono to a 290 🙂 

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  4. 2 hours ago, tooth_dr said:

    I just switched from a 120MM to a 290MM for my OAG. The difference is wow! I regularly have my gain down to 40% or less to avoid oversaturating the brighter stars to guide on. The 120MM always like it needed 110% gain, just never quite enough. 

    Is the 290 really that much better ? Interesting...

    120 qe - 75% 290 qe 'about 80%'

    • Thanks 1
  5. 17 minutes ago, huntapix said:

    I have tried naming the com port from 1 through to 16....some it says not connected to port and some it say error...timed out.......ive tried connecting to my computer two ways.......one way is a ST4 from the camera to the autoguiding port on the mount......the other way is to attach the ST4 cable to the bottom of the hand controller through to a usb connection to the laptop....thanks guys

    St4 shouldn't be attached to hand controller ! Might do some damage that way. If you try guiding using the st4 cable from guide cam to mount, choose on camera as mount in PHD2

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