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  1. Wish my power supply battery would hurry up and arrive!

  2. Brilliant views of the moon and jupiter for a couple of hors last night until the cloud rolled in!

    1. Mad Taff

      Mad Taff

      I did the same last night Skir. It was one of the clearest nights I've seen down here for ages. I spent 10 minutes looking at Mercury before it went behind a tree. Spent a good half hour on Jupiter - saw only 3 of the main moons last night and no sign of the GRS. Hopefully it will be in view tonight. Also last night spent a good half hour on the Moon too. Didn't try and look at any DSO's as the Moon was quite bright. Really enjoyed my observing overall. Cheers, Phil

  3. Collimaton done, just need to organise power and some clear skies!

    1. MarkSix


      What scope did you buy?

    2. Obi Wan Ken00bi

      Obi Wan Ken00bi

      I've also done every possible preparation in the past weeks. NEED CLEAR SKIES!!

  4. Got my scope :-) it's missing parts :-(

    1. K3ny0n


      Ah no way, Where did you order from?

    2. Mezolitik


      I thought my scope was missing parts; turned out I just assembled it wrong :P What kind is it?

  5. Scope still hasn't arrived :-(

    1. Icey85


      Dude, feel for ya, but look outside! Dont think were missing anything :)

    2. Pig


      At least you could be polishing it :-)

  6. Come on snow! Clear off so my scope can be delivered

  7. I have a tracking no for the scope, should be here today. Skies clear this evening, says forecast?!

  8. Mount arrived and setup as far as I can, now I need something to actually look through!

    1. Icey85


      I'm in the same boat - role on friday! whoop! :)

  9. My new mount should arrive tomorrow, excited isn't the word!

  10. skir

    Scope pictures

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