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Davey-T last won the day on October 3 2019

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    South East just inside M25

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  1. hi Dave, has your Quark got any nearer mate ?, weve got a bit of clear heading in from the west tonight "fingers crossed", should be 50/50 tomorrow for most of us. charl.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Davey-T


      Morning Charl,

      It's stuck in UK customs now, they've sent me two sheets of A4 questions none of which seem relevant to an item originally purchased in the UK and returned to the USA for repair under warranty.

      They seem determined to try and charge duty on something out of principal :grin:

      Merry Christmas

      Dave :icon_santa:

    3. xtreemchaos


      morning Dave, darn customs, duty has already been paid on it mate, when first imported. id just write on the form "sent for repair and a photocopy of the recet, or maybe try and get them on the phone ,thay must have a helpdesk. merry Christmas mate, I was hoping for some sun thismorrning but its 100% cloud at the moment.  charl.

    4. Davey-T


      Thanks Charl,

      You'd think in this day and age it could be done on the internet, "luckily" the Sun is pretty quiet and too low ATM so hopefully it will get here eventually.

      Then we just have to hope it's been fixed, I remember a couple of posts where peeps have sent their Quark to Daystar for repair and got them returned with the same fault.

      Grey murk here again, had a surprise bit if clear sky last night but I wasn't ready, hadn't recharged the power pack :grin:

      Good news, my brake calipers for the camper van came back today after a month away being refurbished so if we get some decent weather over christmas I can get them refitted and be ready for the next star party.


      Dave :icon_santa:

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