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Everything posted by Marki

  1. Marki

    Part I: Space

    Interesting blog entry, Qualia. Lots to think about here (too much for my short lunch break)....look forward to the next installment! So, when will you get to the Higgs Boson :)? Do we think the CERN team have cracked it yet or are they just justifying their next budget allocation requests ;).
  2. I'm afraid at my latitude its pretty much not dark at any time (llowing for the LP), assuming the clouds ever let me see the sky for more than a minute! I tried to find the Ringrecently with my 100rs, but gave up. However, you are right, there is no substitute for time at the eyepiece. I think alimited range of targets in an observing slot is a sensible plan for that reason.
  3. Nice sketches, Qualia. I found the side by side comparison regarding the filter very instructive! Thanks!
  4. Meh. Weather hates me.

    1. Qualia
    2. nightfisher


      hates me as well, but i would rather have cloud at this time when the nights are so light, and short

  5. Another clear night, per chance?

  6. Gaps in clouds promised tonight - wife wants me to go out to friends for the night...what to do....

    1. nightfisher


      fein a headache send wife to friends and try scope out

    2. Ninja of the Net

      Ninja of the Net

      friends will still be there when the sun is in the sky

  7. Out of curiosity, what ep/diagonal combination are you most typically using for the Messiers? And is this different from what you use for splitting doubles? I think Albireo is one of the most beautiful objects I have ever had the good fortune to see - the colours are stunning! Look forward to your next post!
  8. Ah thats interesting. I've read some good reviews of the UHC - tempted to get one myself. I have the Baader neodymium moon and skyglow filter to try cut some of the sodium haze. It works a little, I think, but there are many "white" lights as opposed to the orange, from a carpark immediately oposite my house. Have you given any thought to the OIII filters? I believe these are supposed to be good for "planetary" nebulas?
  9. Wonders when the skies will clear...

  10. From the album: Scopes

    TAL100RS and TAL125R size comparison
  11. Just been told my TAL125r has been delivered - can't wait to get home and unwrap it :)

    1. nightfisher


      pictures please, but drive safe, that was quick

  12. Latest from sda.it "Shipment on Delivery".... .

  13. Look forward to seeing how this progresses, and if the cloud ever lifts, whether I can follow through my own eyepiece :). Will you update regularly against this list so we can se how you do?
  14. Good work, Qualia. I love the background info you have provided as well. I have yet to get a decent view of M57 from my heavily LP location; unfortunately I can't get on a roof, and I wonder if that height helps by getting you above much of the light? Do you use any filters?
  15. The rain...the rain....!

  16. Yay - tracking my 125r - status now Shipment in Transit to Gran Bretagna

  17. Want a clear sky...getting astro withdrawal symptoms!

    1. Stargazing_Cliff


      same here been clouded out for ages now

  18. Watching Magazine Shot by Both sides on Punk Britannia - make me feel young again :( 1978 on the

  19. Tracking my TAL...its on its way and in Milan!

    1. AndyH
    2. nightfisher


      The excitement is building, i have been given a price from italy, keep us up to date

    3. AndyH


      Has it hit Londonium yet, or has the tracking gone into limbo? I've had that happen a few times and it's most frustrating :(

  20. Marki


    From the album: Scopes

    Tal 100RS on eq5 prepped for action!
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