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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. If it is cables the new lynx astro one should suffice but what do I do about the din cables has anyone got links to a couple of good ones please.
  2. From your answers both From Padraic and David I am more convinced these cheap power bricks are the issue. I am ordering the power supply from FLO tomorrow and a member has kindly offered to make me a cable with colour coded ring connectors on so hopefully I will be sorted and can enjoy this hobby rather than fighting with the mount every time. Thank you all I really appreciate your help. Paul
  3. If doing a 3 star alignment the first star is always out once you have centered that and go to the 2nd star that will be closer then onto the 3rd this will only need a minor adjustment as it will be close to spot on.
  4. I am not I just plugged the power into the control box then plugged my handset in to see what power I had 12.2v which is low. I know it needs a 5.5mm x 2.1mm to go into the power box but I need the cable to be split at the other end to hook up to the power supply.
  5. I will tell you what`s happened, I had the 5amp power supply and ran the scope off that, plugged into the control box with the din cables and handset. I am having issues with alignment and accuracy at first I thought it was the mount so sent it to RVO to have a strip down and regreased, when it came back it still was out once I had done 1, 2 or 3 star alignment objects where either on the edge of the FOV or not even in it. I thought well I need more amps and got the 7amp no luck there either but I was running my dew strips off it so then I thought well obviously got to be a power issue I will get a 10amp that will run the scope and the dew strips. I have not had the mount out for a while due to bad weather and health issues but I got it out a couple of nights ago 3 star alignment now I have read the 3rd star will be there or there abouts not in mine over 5° out past the outer circle of my Telrad. Got everything centered then used the handset to polar align just to make things more accurate did that punched in M42 looked through eyepiece nothing a star on very bottom of FOV looked through the Telrad it was high on the top star of the sword. I used PAE to drag it into the centre (press escape then press and hold escape until says centre object) went to Sirius over 5° again out. I went backwards and forwards to M42 and Sirius until both were dead centre then punched in NGC 2264 (Christmas tree cluster) unmistakeable and in the FOV nothing so I packed up. I talked to a friend who said it sounds like a power issue if the mount doesn't get enough power or if the power is not regulated it wont work. the power packs I have are probably Chinese jobs that send the power as a pulse on-off-on-off which wont work. After all this I have come to the conclusion it is a power issue and I need to buy the power supply in my first post.
  6. OK people can someone help me I have found out all my mount problems were down to my power supply. I have 3 power packs like these a 5amp, 7amp, and 10 amp just plugged them all in one by one to the handset and box for the EQ5. 5amp had 12.2v 7aml had 12.3v and 10 amp had 12.2v that is before I tried to slew a scope around. So I am going to purchase this bench supply but can anyone point me in the right direction for a cable that will go from it to the mount please. They are 5.5mm x 2.1mm and needs to go to separate positive and negative rings maybe. Thanks Paul
  7. Doug I went out last night but my mount is acting up polar aligned and did 2 star alignment. Went to the first object not even in FOV. If I can work out what is wrong I am going to try for that cluster in Puppis and C50 they are 2 new ones for me.
  8. After adjusting the mount myself and thinking I had sorted it, Well definitely out I've used the handset to polar align went to M42 centered that went to sirius centered that. Back to M42 it was out not to far. Sirius just a tad out. Went backwards and forwards until it was dead centre each time. Went to Castor no where near back to M42 way out over 5° out so packed up. I have no idea what I'm going to do now. I'm open to suggestions please.
  9. A warm welcome to SGL
  10. A warm welcome to SGL
  11. I have put a post on their Facebook page had a reply saying it sounds like backlash. I then replied saying could someone do what you have advised or if I could drop the mount off at the observatory as I live not 10 minutes away. I have had no reply so that's out the question now. Looks like I am going to have to have a go myself not looking forward to that.
  12. No definitely put date in right and i sent the mount over 4 years ago I don't fancy paying £85 again.
  13. I have had this mount for 6 years now and it's never been right sent it to reputable astronomy shop cost me £85 at first it was spot on but the more I have used it it seems like its getting worse, loose somehow. As said I'm not mechanically minded and I don't go all over the sky last night I wanted to view doubles in Leo and a couple of clusters in Cancer and Monocerus. Even the 2 star alignment stars are way off Sirius then next I would choose Regulus but what does the handset up Algol, Mirach and Alpheratz.
  14. I'm sure after reading this is caused by backlash all I need now is for someone to help me with this either meeting up or I post the mount and get them to fettle it.
  15. First time out in 6 months after all my health problems really looking forward to it. It did not go to plan and I need help please. Did two star alignment went to M42 nowhere in FOV managed to centre it. Thought right back into set up do a 3 star alignment from where I was the mount knows where it is. Sirius quite close Mirach just on the line of the inner circle of the Telrad OK all fine final star Arturus now this was nowhere near the Telrad circle nearly two full 5/6° circles away. Even the axis not playing well taking 6/7 seconds for the mount to move in any direction I can here the motors no sound of slipping once they move in any direction the directional moves all work fine it's just the initial movement. I have a 10amp power supply from the mains so it's not power. I have had problems backlash and have adjusted the axis but I am not mechanically minded in that respect. Is there anyone who I could post the mount to or close to me that could help. With my health issues I cannot stand or Ben over to mess about with the mount.
  16. I've only ever seen the E and F stars 3 times once in a 6" reflector and twice in my 5" refractor all had very still excellent skies to see them.
  17. Great report some very nice objects there especially the double stars.
  18. What a lovely scope I'd be proud to own and use that.
  19. I had a 150p as my first scope, it was a cracking scope I viewed loads of objects in it which where bright and of good size even took a picture of Saturn through it with a galaxy S7 just held over the eyepiece. I believe the faster scopes are better and with more aperture will give some really nice views. Just my humble opinion.
  20. All set up for a good night, my right leg gave way I put my hand out to stop myself falling jarred my left shoulder. Cannot hardly move it now may be a trip to the hospital in the morning for me. 😢
  21. You can see not had the scope out for a while with the dust.
  22. This shoulderless adapter gives me a extra 10mm in travel I wondered whether another diagonal would give me the same.
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