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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. Thank you I will post tomorrow if it is one I have to speak to the camp at the moment there are 6 people so it is up to the camp do they want to open 2 weeks early for 6 of us.
  2. That is 6 confirmed if 3 more confirm I think we may get away with it.
  3. Can you confirm if you are able to come please.
  4. Can you confirm whether you are able to come please.
  5. Thats brilliant but unless we get 10 I am sorry but the site wont open for us I think there is only 5 of us up to now. I am very disappointed to say the least I have got until Friday so crossed fingers.
  6. I am not sure about camper vans I would have to check but they have got EHU
  7. Not looking good at all up to now 5 people have confirmed it's not worth the camp opening 2/3 weeks early for that many and I can understand that. I have until 30/31 at the latest so I'm hoping I get more interested or confirmation from 5 more at least. Would be great as lately star camps have been cancelled because of weather, there is another point the camp will not refund for bad weather which I think is putting people off. All I can do is wait until Friday.
  8. 30 of them unbelievable and they want put more up not very good for astrophotographers still like you say what a sight.
  9. My nemesis I've never seen this from home in any of my scopes. Great picture.
  10. I've got to the 30th that's when I have said I will ring back if that is OK for you.
  11. I've just got some revelation 10 x 42 waterproof binoculars they were on offer not sure how good they are going to be. Being roof prism not sure how they will be for astronomy.
  12. Can people confirm they will be coming in the next couple of days please I have to ring the site telling them how many are coming and whether its viable for them. I am hoping for between 8 and 12 but the more the merrier should have a great time weather permitting. The conversation will be great and people can learn so much especially new astronomers.
  13. Got my AN few days ago I was reading through it came across the article "making light work" in the article it says wider FOV is best for light polluted skies I just cannot get my head around this what do people think, here is the piece.
  14. Unfortunately Neil I've had no luck one clear night but full of dew moon had rings around it so I never bothered waiting patiently for a clear good seeing night. I've got about four lists ready to go but as the months go on the constellations move south and I cannot view to the south. everytime I get a forecast of a clear night I'm looking what's up then making a list up appropriate for that. Paul
  15. I've had no days in a row so Reading this made my day a bit jealous but glad that someone was out enjoying this frustrating hobby.
  16. I've just got a pair of 10x 42s hoping they will get me some great results like you had.
  17. Great to see someone can get to dark skies and come up with a cracking report felt like I was there looking through the eyepiece with you. Brilliant just brilliant.
  18. Clouded out here as per was clear up until 8pm then cloud. Some targets there not seen before I will have to write them down. Great sketches as usual Nick.
  19. Bump someone must know i can buy one off here if it fits.
  20. Would a HEQ5 puck fit a EQ5 mount I like the idea of the two substantial bolts better than the one with a thin one at an angle like the EQ5 has got thanks.
  21. What a great report and some wonderful targets in there well done.
  22. Well I had variable cloud the seeing was that bad I just did not go out 3am looked clear but still a haze 5am fog I had wrote a list out of binary`s as seeing was that bad I did not think I would see anything else glad I didnt go out now , freezing my toes off for nothing. You got some nice targets there I wonder how much better they would of looked with better seeing.
  23. Hope you get your wife sorted perhaps we could have a meet up closer to your home next time well somewhere central to all of us.
  24. Come on ladies and gentlemen must more people want to get away from light polluted skies especially sadly after SGL was cancelled last year.
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