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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Posts posted by johninderby

  1. A bright light apeared in the sky late this aft. 😁

    Anyway was able to test the SvBony solar finder. Soooo much better than the tiny finder Daystar provides and alignment was spot on. With the stock finder it took a bit of hunting around to get the sun showing on the finder and even then had to hunt around a bit more to find the sun. With the bigger disc of the Svbony just looking at the shadow on the ground got me close enough to have the sun showing on the disc and centerring the bright spot put the sun dead centre in the fov.  

    So if you get this scope toss the provided finder and get the SvBony. 

    Also had a chance to try the new Televue 25mm plossl. Big improvement over the other eyepieces I had tried. Sun is still too bright but should have the polarising filter tomorrow. As it was detail in the centre was washed out with surface detail around the edges and hints of tiny proms. 

    A bit quiet for testing a new scope really 🙂


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  2. Coiled USB cable arrived from Amazon. Much neater than the old cable with no tying up out of the way needed. Well except for the velcro strap stopping the cable from pulling on the plug. Thin cable but rated for 2.4a and the Quark only takes 1.5a.

    Not much chance to look at the sun today. Black clouds and the rumble of thunder  at the moment. 🙁


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  3. Didn’t really care for the tiny solar finder that came with the scope. Yes it works but could be better. Having recently bought a Svbony solar finder for another scope thought it would be much better if it could be fitted.

    Turned out to be an easy straight forward job. Found an Orion finder shoe was a perfect fit on the scope and even used the same mounting screws as the original finder. 




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  4. Just ordered a Bresser (Lunt) polarising filter as I found the image too bright and after googling the subject find a single polarising filter is recommended with the Quark to bring out the detail. 

    With a 25mm plossl the whole disc fitted in the fov. Also tried a zoom but only usable at it’s lowest mag. Have a Televue 25mm plossl coming in a few days. Found the focusing was very smooth. The whole front end of the scope rotates when focusing. Tried a Baader helical eyepiece focuser but caused a real problem with vignetting. Could only see about a third of the suns’s disc so moving the eyepiece away from the diagonal isn’t a good idea. BTW found the fine focusing with the Baader eyepiece focuser wasn’t much of an improvement if any.

    The scope will be used on the photo tripod setup for visual as it will be really convieient. The geared head handles 7.5kg so very stable with the little Quark. 🙂


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  5. Getting somewhere with the scope now. Thought there was something wrong with it ar first as couldn’t see the sun at all, just pure black. Changed power leads and battery to no avail. However I had been trying it with a Baader prism but when I switched to a regular dielectric there was the sun!.  👍🏻

    Very sharp image but not a lot of detail so a bit of tuning required. So it’s adjust the tuning and wait a few minutes for it to settle. Normal first use stuff. 

    So the prism is useless with the Quark so back to the little Mak with it. 🙂

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