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Posts posted by johninderby

  1. Glad to see you’re enjoying using the wedge. 👍🏻

    The narrowband filter is just for enhancing contrast so removing it should be OK unless it’s a combined filter. Are there two filter elements stacked together?

    If you hold the filter up to the light does it look dark tinted?

    Might be wise to play it safe and screw in an ND3.0 filter and try it.

    • Thanks 1
  2. Clear at last so decided to do a bit of lunar observing with the new Mak. Gave some lovely views with really sharp and contrasty images. Spent some time wandering down the terminator enjoying the detail. Never remember the Skymax 127 ever produceing images as good as this. Just feels like a bigger scope if that makes any sense. Used a Baader Moon & Skyglow filter which I like as gives the moon a neutral grey shade.

    Well I bought it as a grab’n’go lunar / planetary scope and it doesn’t disapoint. Found I could observe straight away after taking it out if the conservatory. Doesn’t seem to be as affected as the Skymax by lack of cool down time. New camera arriving on Tuesday so looking forward to trying it out on this scope.

    Yes it’s a bit more expensive than the Skymax but seems worth it. 👍🏻 

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  3. 2 minutes ago, Mark at Beaufort said:

    John have you a link to where I can obtain this Svbony solar finder from. Also I think you previously had a Lacerta solar finder - any opinion which you prefer.

    Available from a few German places but less than half the price on eBay.


    Ball head from Amazon


    The Lacerta was good quality but prefer the Svbony as it is easier to use particularily once the etched lines on the disc are inked in.


    • Thanks 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, david_taurus83 said:

    My 120MM works great in my old Win 7 USB2 laptop but I had trouble with the 1600MM. That's fixed now with the new laptop but the 120 wouldn't work!

    It seems like it’s the USB2 cameras that use the regular USB cables that give trouble with newer tablets but the ones that use the mini USB connection on the camera seem to work. 🤔

  5. With the pier extension had to use the spacers as not enough clearance for the heads of the knobs. Aluminum spaces perhaps?

    Hmm have some unused new black stainless steel knobs with a shorter thread somewhere.

    20mm thread length, 25mm dia. head.


    • Thanks 1
  6. The Lacerta and TS solar finders are .also adjustable. 

    And the Svbony solar finder is available with a mini ball head mount which makes it fully adjustable. I added the ball head afterwards and it works a treat.


    • Thanks 1
  7. 1 hour ago, BinocularSky said:

    How do you adjust it so that it's parallel to the OTA optical axis?

    It isn't adjustable but they do another version with a mini ball head that is. Actually any ball head could be used as the finder has standard photo screw threads.

    I’ll sort out a mini ball head tomorrow and see if I like it.

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  8. Few bits arrived for the scope. Dew shield, Baader micro focuser and a nosepiece for it, solar filter and a solar finder.

    Hard to find the right sized dew shield as everyone in the UK seems to have stopped stocking this size but found a new one on eBay. The Baader micro focuser will add fine focusing. The stock focuser is actually pretty good and smoooth though. Found an open box but new solar filter at a nice £25.00 discount. Perfect fit and even matches the colour of the rear of the scope as well. The solar finder came from China via eBay for a whole £12.16 delivered but very well made.






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  9. 14 minutes ago, John said:

    Pity that SV don't have any importers / dealers this side of the Atlantic.


    As has been discussed in other threads unfortunately Stellarvue didn’t seem to have the capacity to support dealers over here. It didn’t work out very well at all when they had dealers over here. Pity Stellarvue wasn’t able to make it work.

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