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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Posts posted by johninderby

  1. The Nirvana ES 16mm 82 degree eyepiece arrived. 🙂

    Tried it in the Quark 60 scope and it worked brilliantly..The sun’s  disc nearly filled the fov and showed good detail that was nearly as sharp as the TV plossl but at a bigger scale. With the TV had to position my eye just right to be able to see anything but with the Nirvana position wasn’t so important. Was just easier to look through.

    Of course after a few minutes the clouds came racing in and ended the little observing session. 🤬



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  2. Berlebach tripod spreader.........for my EQ6 tripod. 🙂

    Ah but I hear you say you can’t fit a Berlebach spreader to an EQ6 tripod. Well yes you can with the right bits and almost zero DIY skills needed and the end result looks like a proper job (no bodging).

    See the “EQ6 Tripod With Berlebach Spreader thread in the DIY Astronomer section.


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