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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Posts posted by johninderby

  1. Wall to wall thin cloud and nothing visable except the moon. However good enough to adjust the finder and look at the moon through the thin cloud. Being a full moon didn’t matter too much about the cloud. Surprisingly sharp image given the thin cloud. More first cloud than first light. 😁

    The bearing movement Good. Firm enough to stay where it’s put but easy to move with with no sign of sticktion.

    Had to use the drawtube extension with any eyepiece but as it’s a solid screw on extension no problem with sagging etc. Quite a tall setup though. Infocus is never going to be a problem. 🙂



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  2. Could have been damaged in shipping but I’ve found that Opticstar has great customer service so it will get sorted out. 

    I once sold a scope that I’d originally bought from Opticstar and the buyer found that the finder, that I’d never even used, was defective and Opticstar replaced it free of charge for the buyer. Top service. 👍🏻

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  3. I’ve had both the 80mm and 90mm Opticstar achros and both have had very good sharp optics and stars were pinpoint. It does sound like you are way out of focus and seeing an airy disk.As you move the focuser from one end of focus travel the large airy disk should shrink until you get a pin point star then as you continue to move the focuser another airy disk should start to appear and get bigger.


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  4. CN does have it’s share of biased opinions but also some genuine opinions and after wading through the lot and ignoring the rubbish I am coming to the conclusion that the 4.5 is indeed an excellent planetary eyepiece and a bit of EOFB is not a problem for planetary use anyway.

    Hmmm......£149.00 at Astroshop. 🤔🤔🤔  

  5. Have been thinking abput getting one of the Baader Morpheus 76° 4.5mm eyepieces as my high power eyepiece (for lunar / planetary) use in my Bresser 10” f5 dob. 

    Have found reviews for the longer focal lengths but not much on the 4.5mm.

  6. Looks like you’ll have to try the following from their help page.


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