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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Posts posted by johninderby

  1. Maybe it’s time for something new in Alt Az mounts. Magnetic brakes to control resistance perhaps and a remote with the slo mo knobs and braking resistance knobs on it. Of course that would mean drive motors but simple low powered ones would be good enough. 

    Or maybe just the regular clutches with the motorised slo mo controls on a remote.

    Hmmmmmmmm 🤔

  2. I use one of the Omegon errect image prisims with my Lumicon finder with Big Red my Carton 100 f/13. Very good prisim although not as good as the Baader in a scope. Miles better than the type of  diagonal usually used in a finder. 🙂

    Works well with the 127 Mak for daytime terrestrial observing.


  3. 24 minutes ago, davekelley said:

    This is all good news.  I had always thought that there was a big trade off in image quality if you wanted an erect image.  I shall make the Baader my next purchase :)


    With the Baader prism images will still be reveresed left to right as with a mirror diagonal.

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  4. The tracking speed of a GOTO mount never changes except when you select lunar or solar tracking modes. Magnification is irrelevant. The illusion of Saturn moving faster at higher mag in a dob is just that an illusion. .It’s just a case of at higher mag you are seeing a smaller patch of sky so Saturn moves out of the smaller patch of sky more quickly.

  5. Primitive and crude though it may be the Skytee just plain works. Had a couple of Giro mounts but only have the Skytee (TS equiv.) now. I simply like using it better than the Giro. Now a Skytee engineered to the same standards as the Giro would be a winner. 👍🏻

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  6. Buy the proper non shedding flocking material as sold by FLO. Regular flocking as found in a local shop does indeed shed.

    Also when flocking an SCT or Mak get some acetate 600micron sheet to make a slip in liner and apply the flocking to the acetate sheet. Much neater job than trying to stick it to the inside of the tube. You could also use Protostar Flockboard but the cost of importing into the UK is prohibitive.



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  7. Lot of cloud and mist around but at least the moon was visible so spent some time observing it. Was impressed by how sharp and contrasty the image was and just how much detail could be seen. The 7mm Nirvana and neodymium worked really well. Looking forward to trying the Badder Morpheous 4.5mm when it arrives. 🙂

    Managed to carry out a star test through a break in the clouds as well. Talk about a text book airy disk. The rings were evenly spaced and very clearly defined and showed no signs of any aberations. Can’t ever remember having a star test this well defined with the old 250px. 

    The TS Concenter and Hotech laser combo worked perfectly. The Concenter made getting the secondary spot on straight forward and the Hotech finished the job. Collimation is so close to perfect didn’t bother fine tuning it during the star test.

    All in all impressed with the way the scope performed tonight even though there wasn’t much to look at other than the moon.  👍🏻

  8. Just now, a10ken said:

    why is such a top end eyepiece poor for regular viewing (just curious).

    It’s really a daytime spotting scope zoom optimised for daytime use that just happens to have the perfect characteristics for HA. Very sharp and contrasty. Shows distorions when used for night time observing though.

  9. The best zoom for HA is the Pentax XF zoom. One of the very best HA eyepieces period. Fpund it was just as good as a Baader ortho on HA. Rubbish on regular night time observing though.


    A very good lower cost zoom for HA is the OVL Hyperfex. Same as the Lunt zoom.


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