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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Posts posted by johninderby

  1. 2 hours ago, Stuart1971 said:

    I want it attached to both rings so no chance of too much strain on one ring alone...

    Why would it put too much strain on the ring? If it is a CNC tube ring will be plenty strong enough for use with a refractor.

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  2. I see it as making an informed decision. Weigh up the costs vs benefits and then decide. Unfortunately it's so easy to spend more than you really need to.

    Now the OP can have a think about it and decide what they want to spend. There certainly is nothing wrong with buying a 200P and keeping the costs to a minimum for now.

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  3. Yes I was thinking about the 10” Bresser. 

    The R&P will handle more weight as the R&P drive is more positive.

    I think as the Skywatcher has been around for ages most are familiar with it but with the Bresser being new not many have actually seen one in person and it’s not until you’ve had hands on experience with both that you can appreciate the differences. 


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  4. Few other points in the Bresser’s favour. 

    • Rubberized anti refection coating on the inside not just a thin coat of paint.
    • Proper 6 point mirror cell
    • Adjusment knobs on the secondary not just hex screws.
    • Tube rings allow the OTA to be moved up or down for balance
    • Tube rings allow the focuser to be rotated into the most convienient position
    • The alt bearings make great carry handles and also the OTA just drops into place on the base with no need to insert knobs .

    Being collaoseable not needed in an 8” dob and is lighter and easier to carry. Collapseable makes more sense with bigger dobs.



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  5. I would stay away from anything with an EQ2 mount. Minimum should be an EQ3. The EQ2 just won’t be very stable. Of course the EQ3 is more expensive but skimpimg on the mount is a false economy.

    The 8” dob will show a lot more than the 130 and is so easy to use. Good reason that size is so often recommended. The Skywatcher dob is OK but if your budget will stretch to it the Bresser 8” dob has better build quality and is better equipped. You do get what you pay for.





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