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Everything posted by fwm891

  1. @daz Does the SA drive in reverse direction to correct backlash or is it waiting for the sky to 'catch-up'?
  2. @PhotoGav Couldn't agree more. Collared Steve for other things early Friday but got talking about the various projects in the pipeline. Superb. Way beyond a 'retailer'. My bank manager might disagree...
  3. Feeling a [removed word] but how do I link to someone's post so they know I've responded to their question? I've tried putting the '@' immediately before a name but it never highlights... Cheers
  4. @freiform Yes. You'll get the odd noise but compared to the SW NEQ6 Pro I had my CEM60 whispers. Beginning and end of slews I get a short grunt as the motors wind up/down. I found that doing nudges from the handset in the 16 to 128? range was the noisiest.
  5. I went from NEQ6 Pro (belt modified) to an iOptron EQ45 Pro then to an iOptron CEM60. While I had problems with noise on the CEM60 FLO replaced it without a quibble and the replacement is superb. I'm considering a CEM25P (non EC) as a portable set-up which I want to check out at the IAS.
  6. Great image Rodd. Processing nightmare I guess.
  7. Superb image, one of the best I've seen posted lately, and very well processed too 👍
  8. Very quickly gathered image of the Cocoon (NGC5146) from last night. Subs: 2x 120s + 3x 300s
  9. Quick session earlier this evening before rain came.... Subs: 10x 180s, 10x 300s RASA 8 on CEM60 Capture: SG Pro Processing: APP, PI and PS. Moon 90+% illuminated
  10. I forgot to flip the image so it's now been updated. Something else to get used to with the rasa....
  11. NGC6888 in Cygnus. Shot this evening before cloud called a stop to proceedings. Subs: 9x 180seconds + 4x300seconds RASA + plus IDAS NB-1 filter iOptron CEM60 guided with 9x50mm finder/guider. Capture: SG Pro Processing: To Integration - APP, then PI for colour and resizing. Francis
  12. I've knocked-up a new filter tray from a block of Delrin. Photos show (I hope) the differences between the original and the Delrin tray. Straight off the machine so needs some cleaning up. I still have to cut the 48mm thread for the filters and fit a suitable ejector pin and pull handle. As yet I have no collimation problem straight out of the box. Because the RASA's corrector lens assembly is fixed it doesn't (hasn't) needed collimation. Hyperstar is a different matter as from what I've read is an absolute pain to collimate when it's added and when removed to use the original secondary. I have an Astrozap metal dew shield for my Edge HD 8 which fits the RASA 8, this has it's own dust cap...
  13. Caution: Celstron RASA 8 and Baader UFC filter changer problems. I’ve just purchased a Celestron RASA 8 from First Light Optics (FLO) which is great, no problems with the RASA 8. My problems came when I wanted to fit a filter changer to the RASA 8 to take advantage of the new (ish) multi narrow band filters available for OSC cameras, specifically in my case an ASI 294MC Pro. I bought a Baader Universal Filter Changer (UFC) from a fellow StarGazersLounge (SGL) member. The UFC was in pristine condition and from looking at Baader’s specification sheet showing all the adapter plates for the UFC’s base (#24591110) I could initially see no problem in finding the right front and back plates to suit. Wrong. The problem for RASA 8 users is the shorter back focal distance 25mm from the front of the RASA 8, T threaded mounting plate (29mm from the front of the central lens assembly mounting). For me to achieve this spacing I had to mount the UFC backwards onto the RASA’s T threaded mounting plate (Baader part number #2459126) would have been fine and kept the UFC facing the right way IF there had been a female mounting plate for the ASI 294MC Pro for the other side. The UFC came with a #2459130 female mounting plate in to which the 294MC fitted. I now had to fit the UFC to the RASA. I’ve ended up machining a new mounting plate for the UFC as there are no female T threaded plates. This has allowed me to attain the 25mm spacing required but it’s left me with having to insert filters with the wrong face to the sky (RASA side). I emailed Baader (AKA-David Hinds) to ask if there were other mounting plates or a modified filter drawer so filters could be inserted correctly – no, was the basic reply. So I had to think about how to get round the problem or reversed filters. Solution (for me) has been to make a modified filter drawer so filters can be inserted the correct way round. Currently in a mock-up state (which fits the UFC base unit) I’m awaiting materials to make the final thing. The photos show the original Baader UFC with the wood mock-up. Differences should be evident but what I’ve basically done is to move the filter mounting plate from one side of the filter drawer to the other. Final photo shows the plate I've made to attach the UFC to the RASA male T threaded mounting. F Milsom 2nd November 2019.
  14. An explosive looking flame sending hot lava down past a spectator.... IC434 10x 120s, RASA8 f2, IDAS NB-1
  15. Portrayed horizontal for those who like it laying down. Details: Camera: ASI 294MC Pro cooled to -20°C, gain 122, offset 30. Subs: Four panels each 4x 120s. Processing: APP (cosmetic correction and stacking) panels saved as tiff. Photoshop manual joining of the panels and tidying the joins, PI for colour work, back to PS to tidy up and save to jpg for display. Mount iOptron CEM60 Standard on Tri-pier Scope Celestron RASA 8 with IDAS NB-1 filter.
  16. My own fault (I was the only one there so can't blame anyone else 🤫). I woke about 3 am this morning and looked out on stars 😀, so down stair open the obs, grab a coffee, down to business... I did a quick frame/mosaic sequence in SG Pro covering the area between the flame and M42 - 4 panels. I set-up to do 4 x 120s subs per panel to see what I'd get. Trouble was I miss judged the rotation on the top panel with the flame neb - set the sequence going only to come back 20 mins later to see that they were rotated by a long way. Let the sequence finish the 4 panels, closed down and back to bed... Because of the rotated frames I've had to heavily crop the image each side. Must try harder (heard that somewhere before!)
  17. Might just want to ease off on the background a touch - I think you're loosing fine detail because of it.
  18. Details: Mount iOptron CEM60 Standard Scope Celestron RASA 8 with 9x 50mm guide scope Cameras: ASI 294MC Pro OSC main camera, ASI 120MM Guider camera Processing: Initial process to integration APP, Colour work: PI further work in PS converting Red channel to new luminance channel and combining - levels to suit.
  19. Hi Roland - If you'd read the earlier post you'd have seen that the 'teckie' stuff comes later. I've had the rasa a couple of days, there are issues and they will be looked at in due course.
  20. Hi Dave - Camera is the ASI 294MC Pro, the filter is an IDAS NB-1 dual narrow band. I've had to mount the filter the wrong way round at present - I need an adapter to reverse it so it faces to sky with it's front face. Getting there. It also seems to be missing some H-alpha probably for the same reason.
  21. Second light night images These are imaged and process in the same way as those above. Just enjoying getting images at the moment - work on the teckie sides latter when I get more familiar with the scope/camera/filter combos.
  22. Holds focus well. Though temps have been quite stable over the short sessions I've had over the last few days- time will tell
  23. Thanks Mark - You should see me at some stage next week end. Really want to meet some of the SGLer's and FLOer's in person
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