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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. I've no idea! Aha - I guess that could be the problem.
  2. I haven't compiled the bcm2835 - just installed the INDIbleeding library from a repository in Ubuntu MATE. This includes everything in one go. Well, except the Astroberry driver. This quote from the INDI Library on Raspberry PI I'll see if I can find the details again. For one thing I want to start again and install everything on an 8GB micro SD card - anything bigger seems totally unnecessary.
  3. 100 flat frames captured - gain 49 and exposure of 0.1s - temperature of -26°C. Next I shall go out and put the lens cap on and grab some darks and biases to calibrate the flats. Here's a flat and the associated Levels graph.
  4. We are both getting the same error with the Astroberry driver yet you are using Raspbian and I'm using Ubuntu MATE with different sources so I feel sure the problem has to be with the Astroberry driver .deb file.
  5. Been out myself all morning and feeling tired after a long night capturing images so don't feel up to doing much today. But I have been thinking about things. Can't ask questions on the INDI forum as it won't let me create an account for some reason - never had that problem joining forums before but I think the Astroberry driver might work if it's recompiled - that would be the nicest solution. I might take a look at INDI_duino later. As I think I said, it could be useful for handling more complicated things than just a focuser. With your experience in writing an ASCOM focuser, I think I'll leave it to you to get an INDI focuser going - probably... There are a few things I want to check on. I posted about these earlier but can't find the posts now. Been looking at HomePlug devices in case the RPi doesn't work in the observatory. Also, when I get the gigabit fibre broadband, a fast LAN will be useful so I've been looking at a gigabit HomePlug with Ethernet and WiFi. NETGEAR PLW1000-100UKS 1000 Mbps Powerline Ethernet WiFi Adapter Homeplug Access Point, 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz 802.11 b/g/n/a, (1 Gigabit Ethernet Port). Clear Outside is showing negligible clear sky for the next week so I should be able to catch up on sleep And may have enough spare energy to check out a few things.
  6. Yes, it is Just compared the two and no problem - GPIO pins and mounting holes are the same. I bought a Pi 2 for a 3D printer but never go around to using it - will do one day - or more likely a Pi 3 for it's WiFi facility. Talking of WiFi I'll be checking that the range is enough between house and observatory - not done that yet. So much to do - so little time!! I too am very busy these days. If there's a problem I'll get 240v mains type LAN boxes.
  7. Ah yes, I've been looking for something like that. I see it says RPi 2 - must check the difference between 2 and 3.
  8. I think that may be a bit better than the 10s at g=148 so I'll compromise and collect 25 subs each of RGB followed by rest of the night on Ha. Been looking through M31 images and only found one with Ha added to the RGB to show the star forming regions.
  9. Here's a 60s blue sub with gain of 139 (nearest I could get to 140) and T=-30°C.
  10. Here's the correspondence between true filters (shown correctly in Sharpcap) and the filters shown in APT :- Ha - Ha L - OIII R - SII G - L B - R Try as I may, I can't get APT to show the right filters - tried restarting APT and even rebooting Also, only positions 1, 2 and 3 work in APT. Sometimes APT won't go past the end of the first exposure in a run. CdC keeps disconnecting from EQMOD and a couple of other problems I forget ATM. I think I may have INDI plus KStars/Ekos working for imaging soon so maybe that will sort out all the problems in one go... The filter problem makes me wonder about continuing with the longer subs for RGB and M31. Maybe I'll leave that for another night and set up imaging in Ha on a new target - which I can do from indoors and then leave it running for the rest of the night while I go to bed - I'm feeling tired now.
  11. No, I couldn't find any either I took a 32w socket and cut bits off making separate rows of 8 socket holes. You could use any DIL socket and hack it about. Don't know why 0.5" spaced sockets aren't available - you'd think someone would have made them.
  12. There's a strange thing happening with the filter wheel. In SharpCap the filter is correctly labelled but when I'm in APT the labelling is wrong. In SharpCap the filters are Ha, L, R, G, B but the R filter is showing as SII in APT and the G filter as L and these are entered into the file name. These correspond to the labels I had on the filters before when I was doing NB imaging. APT seems to have retained the old labels and is not reading the new ones from the filter wheel via the driver. Also, some of the filters are not accessible in APT's filter wheel changing tool - I'm having to shut down APT and use SharpCao to choose filters.
  13. Now onto Green subs - here's one. I'm taking 200 subs in each colour. Not sure if this is enough - only 2000s total time in each colour - just over 33m. Maybe it would be better to reduce the gain so that longer exposures are possible. With a gain of 150 = 15dB (actually 148 = 14.8dB) 10s exposure is the absolute maximum without white clipping. If I went to 60s ie. 6x I would need to reduce the gain by 6x = 7.8dB so a gain setting of 148 - 78 = 140 (or 14dB) should give the same image brightness. I'll finish this set and then maybe try the new settings - or something in between.
  14. Another sub - same parameters but the shadow has gone. Full size and cropped/rotated to put north upwards (I think).
  15. RGB imaging on M31 - the Great Andromeda Galaxy. Here a 10s Red sub with gain of 150 and temperature of -29°C. Gamma adjusted in Photoshop to show the galaxy by not saturate the whites. The shadow in the corner is my weather station mast which will soon disappear from the frame. Click to choose f
  16. Something else has cropped up - the strong wind has got at my observatory fold-down window/flap and torn it off it's brackets so I need to make replacement brackets. Fortunately there's no rain in the forecast for a few days.
  17. Thank you Lance - looks like an option I was going to try the focuser driver etc. with my all sky camera but without an Arduino and using a Pololu A4988 driver module driven from GPIO pins on the RPi. However, on opening up the ASC box, I see the Arduino Nano that I was using for focussing with a USB cable does more than the focus - it controls a dew heater too so modifying the Arduino sketch used with the INDI_duino driver may be the way to go for that. I would still want to run a focuser for telescope or camera lens for my main DSO imaging rigs though and would prefer to use the GPIO than Arduino.
  18. I now have the Linux based astro capture and control system working remotely with the RPi 3. The latter has INDI installed and connected to the ASI178MM camera in my all sky cam. I have KStars/Ekos installed on Linux Mint laptop and communicating with the RPi via WiFi and displaying the all sky image in Ekos, so apart from changing the DSO imaging rig to RGB and 135mm lens, I shall be working on my all sky camera project.
  19. In view of the moon phase and moonrise/moonset times I think it's time to have a go at M31 the Andromeda Galaxy in RGB or LRGB before the moon gives problems for RGB. The wider field NB stuff cam wait. Clear Outside is showing a nice clear sky for tonight Not sure when M31 will be above the trees tonight but should get several hours in in the forecast is right.
  20. I think probably all of these are hardware controllers connect by USB and useless for what we want to do. The Arduino would be a better option if we have to use USB. I've set up an account with the INDI forum but though the sign-in recognises my username and password, it doesn't work. I was going to report our problems with the Astroberry driver as I'm thinking asking the author of the project would be best - or get reply from someone who has got it working. The error we're getting looks like there's part of the file missing. The INDI forum would be the place to ask INDI questions anyway.
  21. Here's a list of focuser drivers copied and pasted from the INDI driver list - INDI_rpifocus excepted :- indi_fli_focus indi_lynx_focus indi_microtouch_focus indi_moonlite_focus indi_nfocus indi_nstep_focus indi_perfectstar_focus indi_robo_focus indi_smartfocus_focus indi_steeldrive_focus indi_tcfs_focus Some of these use steppers and some DC motors.
  22. Finished INDI White Paper just scanning and went on to scan through the INDI Developer Manual and now totally confused or is that "brain fused" Also had a quick look at INDI_duino which seems to connect to an Arduino running a provided sketch which includes protocol to communicate with INDI. This would seem to be an easy way of doing things - I should have no problem editing the Arduino sketch to do what I want. Only downside is that it's an additional layer of hardware when the RPi already provides the GPIO which could be used directly. It's also another USB port involved on the RPi. INDI_duino could be useful for data formats not covered by the GPIO though, such as analogue inputs. Pity the Astroberry driver doesn't work - that would be the ideal solution. Think I'll take a look at other focuser drivers.
  23. WOW!! Looks good Been reading the INDI White Paper, got to page 12 and brain started overheating Getting more and more complicated. Maybe continue in scanning mode then go on to the INDI Developers Manual. Doing this followed by going back and re-reading often works for me I also plan to go on and look at the source code for some drivers. I think it should be possible to alter or "adjust" some of the code and recompile to produce a new driver. Then whether it's just a matter of installing the driver or whether it's more complicated than that remains to be seen.
  24. Ah yes - good Should be straightforward but... I'll continue looking at the INDI focuser driver situation The INDI White Paper describes the principles involved in INDI and the thinking behind it. I think it helps to read up on the background and get to understand what we're working with. I think I should be able to follow it and go on to write drivers - I have an extensive background in programming in various languages though my poor old brain is getting somewhat depleted in the "little grey cells"!
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