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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. Now if I can find out how to edit things to just produce rptfocus...
  2. It puts the four individual drivers into separate directories as per this list :- The only one of interest currently is the rpifocus so why make the others???
  3. I'm sure the must be a way of compiling only those Astroberry drivers we want. How about deleting files for unwanted ones? - maybe a file containing a list as well.?
  4. After some fiddling I now get Files in the working directory. Including RTIMULib on it's own but it still won't "make".
  5. Pity we have to have ALL the Astroberry libraries when we want only one!
  6. https://github.com/RPi-Distro/RTIMULib.git OK now what do I do with it?
  7. Astroberry page says Highlighted in yellow. The missing library - but needed for Astroberry AltIMU only! And the link doesn't work - 404 error.
  8. I suspected as such - I'll see what I can find
  9. Thanks for the suggestion but I have tried this before - unsuccessfully.
  10. Seem to be lacking file - RTIMULib.h
  11. Now trying to install Astroberry driver. Went so far through and then got a couple of errors
  12. Right then... where was I? Process so far :- Downloaded Raspian Jessie Lite Wrote Raspbian image to 8GB micro SD card Downloaded Putty (for windoze) and installed on W7 desktop Ran Putty, set up, and connected to RPi Ran the rasp-config and expanded the partition to fill the card Downloaded and installed bcm2385 library Ran blink and checked that the GPIO pin wiggled between 0v and 1.3v Downloaded INDI-full library and installed plus dependencies.
  13. No worries Dave - been out anyway - so I apologise for not replying or posting Been out with our local village social group to a Wurlitzer Organ concert at Beer in East Devon preceded by lunch at a local restaurant. A refurbished cinema organ installed in a church - the oldest in the U.K. Wonderful
  14. Oops - missed a bit. After the wget and much fiddling here's the first part of the proper bit .
  15. Sorted it out - finger trouble I thought that for a while, however it works Here's a screenshot of the commands and part of the processing.
  16. The RPi HAT has arrived in the post this morning - looks good Connections from connector brought out to power lines and numbered GPIO pads. Should save a fair bit of work as compared with just stripboard and hence worth the price I'll order another. Also in the post - the Netgear gigabit HomePlug WiFi access point - PLW1000 and a couple of 8GB micro SD cards.
  17. Think I'm getting confused again - time for a cuppa!!
  18. sudo wget http://indilib.org/download/raspberry-pi/send/6-raspberry-pi/9-indi-library-for-raspberry-pi.html worked
  19. http://indilib.org/download/raspberry-pi/send/6-raspberry-pi/9-indi-library-for-raspberry-pi.html
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