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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. I could go back a stage and restore the previous backup or I could start again from scratch with a new micro SD card. May leave it for now - very tired today - too many late nights
  2. Have oscilloscope working but no output on pin 11 with blink running I'll try a reboot,
  3. Found the oscilloscope probe but I see I was still working on the battery casing and the switch levers need putting back in. I could use my DMM but need to exit blink before I can edit the file.
  4. How do you get out of blink? I tried installing Astroberry without leaving blink and got errors.
  5. Blink set up now Now where's that oscilloscope probe gone...
  6. Oh dear Seems stable enough on my Linux Mint laptop. OOOPS!!! Better not say that - tempting fate!!
  7. Is the blink pin 11 on the connector or GPIO11? I've ordered one of those HATs but meanwhile I have the narrow ribbon cable I can use to connect and the DSO138 oscilloscope for testing.
  8. That's great Dave You seem to be getting there I'll follow your track shortly
  9. OK - now installed latest bcm2835 library following your info (copy/paste) I'll try blink shortly. Just letting brekky go down
  10. Here's my LAN speed for RPi 3. Distance RPi 3 to router about 5m :-
  11. Very interesting - thanks Dave I'll try that - when I've woken up Another late night last night so had a lie-in this morning - just had breakfast
  12. By the time I had collected nearly 50 green subs last night the cloud came in. Did a meridian flip and set up for blue in case the sky cleared again and went to bed leaving it running. A scan through the blue subs this morning showed two or three usable blue subs only I think I have a reasonable collection of red and green subs - next clear sky looks like Sunday but anything could happen before then. I think I have some blue subs from previous nights. Maybe do some data processing today...
  13. I think a longer focal length lens would be better for M31 as the FOV is a bit too wide it would seem with the 135mm lens. The 200mm lens is a stop slower so would want twice the exposure for the same brightness. Anyway, once I've processed these subs I shall be able to see just how big M31 really is right out to the fainter stuff that tends to get cropped in many renditions. Then if the 200mm lens really does look better I can do some more imaging of M31 at a later date. Tonight could be the last time the conditions are right for several weeks due to the moon. I shall be making up a lens support frame and focus quadrant for this larger lens soon but expect to be concentrating on the RPi imaging and control system first. There are several DSOs that I want to image with the current 135mm lens and that leaves plenty to get on with when clear night skies permit.
  14. Now capturing Green subs - again 60s - G=139 - T=-30°. Gamma stretched. Full frame.
  15. Decided to order the HomePlug LAN with WIFi Access Point as I would like faster data transfer than I can get with my present system. Plus a WiFi access point in my observatory warm room would provide much better reliability. Higher speed WiFi from the RPi might be achieved with separate dongle as I have n type dongles whereas I think the RPi is only 11b - it certainly only has a miniature aerial.
  16. That post that had disappeared has come back!! Weird. I'm pretty sure INDI-full does not contain the bcm2835 library but could be wrong. I found the archive containing the bcm2835 library. There was no mention of INDI so I reckon they're separate things. Tomorrow I'm expecting to receive some 8GB micro SD cards and proposing to install Ubuntu MATE followed by the bcm2835 library, INDI-full and Astroberry on one of them. I shall not be installing KStars/Ekos because I see no reason to run those on the local RPi 3 server - they are on my client Linux Mint laptop. May install TeamViewer for testing and I plan to remove unwanted software such as Libre Office, Thunderbird and a few other things I'm certain I won't want on the server. I see no point in cluttering up the card with unwanted stuff and also a compressed archive of the card contents will be smaller and take up less room on a backup drive plus better for distributing to friends once I get it all working.
  17. Been out this evening and missed a couple of hours of clear sky. Then some cloud came over but now it's clear again and I'm gathering more RGB subs of M31. Here's one - 60s with g=139 and T=-30°C - it's a cold night!!
  18. The resolution mentioned above should only be needed for the RA axis if the PA is well set up as the DEC axis will only be needed for slewing to target. With good PA, guiding is not necessary for widefield. This means that a coarser drive can be used for the DEC axis. The RA axis needs high resolution for accurate tracking. I have some 150mm x 22mm Acetal blanks that I can turn for pulleys. They have marked centres where they were turned off a long cylinder so I can drill a hole with bench drill and then mount the workpiece on an aluminium mandrel to hold in the chuck for turning.
  19. I replied to this but my post has disappeared - again!! This seems to be happening quite often recently Answer :- I have no idea but maybe not so that may be why Astroberry isn't working. I would have expected a different error though.
  20. Think I'll go over the calculations again... Longest FL lens I shall use on the no.2 rig will be 200mm and the camera resolution is 3.8microns per pixel. Pixel resolution will be fine. So angular resolution is given by tan(θ) = 3.8 / 200x1000 = 0.000019 giving θ as about 0.001°. NEMA steppers usually have 1.8° per step but using 16x micro-stepping = 1.8 / 16 = 0.1125°. I think we can call that 0.1° so to get a resolution of 0.001° we need a gear ratio of 100:1 Q.E.D. 16x micro-stepping is the most obtained by A4988 stepper drivers as used for 3D printers. There are others that give up to 32x micro-stepping but I think 100:1 is reasonable for the 2 stage belt drive step-down ratio. The final drive pulley would need just 112t or thereabouts with 32x micro-stepping and 120t timing pulleys are available. However, I think I would prefer a larger final drive pulley for better accuracy. Turning a 145mm pulley can be achieved on my lathe as I've done it before.
  21. Been thinking a bit more about a DIY fork mount. I have 1 100t MXL timing pulley with 5mm bore so I can buy 2 15t 5mm bore pulleys. The drive from NEMA stepper motor to mount axes will need a two stage step down belt drive. Motor pulley - 15t PLMXL015AL-05 Intermediate pulley 1 - 100t PLMXL100AL-05 Ratio = 6.67 Intermediate pulley 2 - 15t PLMXL015AL-05 Final drive pulley - 224t for 100:1 overall ratio with pitch diameter = 145.6mm (just under 6") which is reasonable for the final drive pulley. The final drive only needs to rotate 180° so can be a plain pulley with the timing belt fixed to it and therefore not needing teeth.
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